Execution of Kristjan Marku, police question victim's family members

2025-01-14 10:47:05 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

Execution of Kristjan Marku, police question victim's family members

On Tuesday morning, on the Levan-Vlora highway, traces of the mafia assassination that occurred the night before, where Kristjan Marku was killed, are still fresh.

Broken car windows still found on the road, brake marks on the road, and parts of the car on the side of the road. 

On the highway, part of the side barrier appears to have been damaged as a result of the subsequent accident involving the cars.

Around 10 people are suspected to have been questioned by police about the incident.

They are mainly people who were at the scene of the incident, the person who notified the police about the car and body, the drivers of the vehicles involved in the accident, etc.

While 4 people from Rrëshen have been escorted to the police station.

They are mainly family members of the victim, who were asked about his past and also the events in Rrëshen and the conflicts they had.

They are not reported to have provided any details that could help the police solve the incident in question.

30-year-old Kristjan Marku was previously investigated for attempted murder and illegal possession of a weapon.

It is learned that a few minutes after the incident, a burning vehicle was found not too far away, suspected to belong to the perpetrators.

Kristjan Marku was hit by automatic gunfire on the Vlora-Fier road while he was in his car.


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