EMRI/ He was internationally wanted, a member of a criminal group is arrested! His extradition to Italy is expected

The Traffic Police, during monitoring to ensure road safety, have arrested a person who was internationally wanted for participation in a criminal organization and drug trafficking.
The Court of Turin has issued an arrest warrant for 40-year-old Ergest Prifti for the criminal offenses of "Drug Trafficking" and "Participation in a Criminal Organization".
Interpol Tirana is continuing the procedures for the extradition of this citizen to Italy.
Police announcement:
Intensive monitoring to increase road safety parameters and capture wanted persons driving vehicles.
A 40-year-old man, internationally wanted by Italian authorities, has been arrested by the Tirana Traffic Police for participation in a criminal organization and drug trafficking.
During a search of the vehicle, a metal bat was found and seized.
The services of the Traffic Police Commissariat, during preventive checks aimed at increasing road safety parameters and apprehending wanted persons driving vehicles, based on police intelligence regarding a citizen wanted by Italy who was driving a vehicle on "Dritan Hoxha" street, have made it possible to locate and stop the "Nissan" type vehicle.
The verifications carried out revealed that the driver of the vehicle, citizen EP, 40 years old, was internationally wanted, after the Court of Turin, Italy, issued an arrest warrant for this citizen for the criminal offenses of "Trafficking in narcotics" and "Participation in a criminal organization", provided for by the Italian Criminal Code.
Following the actions of the Crime Investigation Specialists at Police Station No. 2, they made the provisional arrest with the aim of extradition of 40-year-old EP.
Interpol Tirana is continuing the procedures for the extradition of this citizen to Italy.

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