350 olive trees cut down, citizen in Lushnje: Here one neither works nor lives anymore

Over 350 olive trees have been cut down on the Stan Karbunara hill in Lushnje by still unidentified persons.
The olive grove was planted 20 years ago and its owners have notified the police about the incident.
One of them says that this is the second time that land ownership problems have caused the situation, which this time has escalated with major damage.
The value of the damage is estimated at over 30 thousand Euros.
According to Vasil Dufos, one of the olive grove owners, the trees were cut down by four people at night using battery-powered saws. Since the olive trees were planted on top of a hill and the weather was rainy, the noise was not heard by anyone.
"This is the second time I'm taking legal action. I've filed all my complaints, I know who they are because I have conflicts before, property disputes. They came to me, they damaged me here. They cut me with battery-powered saws, there were 3-4 people. They came on a rainy day when there was a storm so they wouldn't be recognized. They did the damage and left," said Dufo.
He says that he has a certificate of ownership for the land and that the olive grove was the only source of income for his family.
The fear that the perpetrators might kill him a third time to take his land has brought the greatest despair to this family.
"I have the land with a certificate, I have it registered, I pay taxes. I want the state to follow the laws, to do its job, to bring those responsible to justice. I have doubts about specific names. I am waiting for the law to be established, to do its job. The police came, filmed, verified, made their measurements. We are waiting for the investigations to begin. They are 20-year-old olive trees. It was destroyed.
I used to feed on this, this was my job. I deal with this. If the state wants, these are verified. What will I do? This is the second time they do this, the third time where will they go? What is expected after this? The first, second, third are gone. They massacred these, not me. You no longer live here. You neither work nor live here. You work, he comes to cut the olives. There are states, there are laws. What do you have with me, go complain. Neither I nor you can solve them, when there are disputes. They are not solved, they say theirs and I mine. I say enforce the law, they say not us ", said Dufo.
10 olive trees were also cut down on another plot. Its owner says this is the second time this has happened to him, but this time they have filed a police report.
According to him, the olive grove cannot be guarded 24 hours a day from evildoers, so he asks the state to find the perpetrators.
"We are border residents together with Vasili. My olive trees have also been damaged. They cut down almost 10 olive trees there. Now I am asking for this too, that the culprits be brought to justice, that measures be taken. I have no problems with anyone. I have no property conflict or anything like that with anyone.
It's the second time. The first time, several others were cut down, again on the border with Vasil. But out of concern that we file reports and such damages occur, even greater ones. This doesn't happen to me alone. They don't get the right production, they damage us with sheep. Two years ago, they were cut down, but some thin roots were cut that could have been cut by hand. Now the damage is greater , "said Resmi Alla.
After cutting down 350 20-year-old olive tree roots, the two injured people filed a report with the Lushnja Police.
They have given the names of 4 suspects, but there is still no official announcement from the police about the incident.
Vasil Dufo fears bloodshed, as a similar case occurred in Garunjas, Lushnja, where two families claimed the same property, a conflict that ended with 1 person killed and 3 injured.

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