"He was scared, he was expecting the bombs to explode from moment to moment"/ The Head of QSUNT Emergency tells details of the evacuation of the 1-year-old from Gaza

2025-01-17 23:31:04 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

"He was scared, he was expecting the bombs to explode from moment to

The Head of the National Emergency, Skënder Brataj, has provided details regarding the health condition of the 1-year-old child from Gaza who was evacuated to Albania for medical treatment.

In a direct link to the media, Brataj recounted the ordeal of the child's illness, adding the fact that the family was in a psychological state when they arrived in Albania.

The head of the emergency department said that the child was afraid that there could be bombings at any moment.

Skënder Brataj:  All countries, especially the European Committee, are especially concerned about children because it is not only a matter of their treatment, but also when they come out of resuscitation to have further follow-up. The European Committee, in cooperation with all countries and the WHO, has distributed many children from Gaza to different countries, and the arrival of this citizen in Albania was simultaneously with three other countries, Romania, Norway and another country plus Albania, because they are requesting ahead of time, especially by combining with the Ministries of Health, and in our case, it was a request to the Ministry of Health, which with its structures with the National Emergency, with the Mother Teresa Hospital, makes it possible and makes available all the personnel and structure to follow this child who had been in a very critical condition, had been intubated, had post-intubation complications, and of course must be followed for some time because there may be deterioration.

Albania was part of the group of countries contacted by the EU civil protection and WHO that will be occasional. Aid to Palestinian families has not started today.

The guarantee of a place for this child to be followed set us all in motion. What I can say is that when we took the child to the pediatrics at the QSUT after he was assessed and assisted while his 20-year-old sister and three-year-old brother went to the refugee center, they said that it was impossible for them to stay because the child was agitated and trembling with fear and expected the bombs to explode at any moment, so they had no idea where they were and it could happen at any moment, so the girl who was 20 years old was definitely part of the war, she was so scared that it was preferred that the father join the two children.