Weather forecast for today, September 9, 2024

2024-09-09 07:35:13 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

Weather forecast for today, September 9, 2024

After a "scorching" summer with high temperatures (even higher than the monthly climatic averages), it already seems that the meteorological picture changes completely.

According to the Military Meteorological Service, this is because already over our country (and not only in a part of Europe) the successive penetration of several deep low pressure centers is expected, accompanied by moist and cold air masses.

Penetration of these cyclonic centers can be problematic because they will bring sudden instability (rapid displacement of warm air with colder air) and rapidly released potential energy.

"But what does this translate to? This translates firstly to mostly cloudy weather but most importantly rainfall which will be of high intensity in the form of downpours and thunderstorms accompanied by strong electrical discharges and hail (without forget the element of strong wind).

For today, the weather is initially forecasted to be clear and increasingly cloudy to dense. Until noon, rain with low intensity while along the western lowlands to moderate in the form of thunderstorms. In the late hours of the evening, it will rain with medium intensity throughout the territory, while along the western lowlands, it will rain with high intensity in the form of torrential rain accompanied by electrical discharges and hail.

Even for Tuesday, the weather is forecast to be cloudy and rainy, which in the first hours of the 24-hour until noon will be of medium intensity along the western lowlands, locally to high. Then rains of low and medium intensity.

For Wednesday and Thursday, the clearing will return, but also the alternation of clouds to dense, which will be accompanied by rain with low and locally moderate intensity in the form of thunderstorms.

For Friday again cloudy weather and rain of moderate intensity and along the western lowlands to high in the form of showers and thunderstorms.

It should also be noted that on Monday and Friday intense wind is predicted from the south quadrant with a speed of up to 20-22 m/s problematic wind along the coastline and valley areas. A gradual drop in temperatures is also expected, but on certain days they will return to values ​​above 30 degrees due to the strong south wind.