Weather forecast for today, Saturday, December 14, precipitation and rain and snow

2024-12-14 08:15:54 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

Weather forecast for today, Saturday, December 14, precipitation and rain and

The passage of a frontal system towards the Albanian territory will condition unstable weather; The morning hours are presented with clearings and medium to dense clouds in the north of the country, generating rain and snow. In the afternoon, further development of clouds is expected, bringing; Showers across the Western Lowlands as well as heavy snowfall across the Eastern Highlands; this unstable atmospheric situation will continue during the night.

Air temperatures will increase significantly in the morning hours, but decrease in the afternoon, fluctuating daily values ​​from -2°C, the minimum value recorded in the northeastern areas, to 15°C, the maximum value expected along the coastline.

The wind will blow moderate to strong throughout the day reaching a maximum speed of up to 65 km/h from the SOUTH direction; as a result, waves of up to 6 degrees will be created on the sea coasts.


Unstable air masses will also include the Republic of Kosovo, where clouds will be present throughout the day; It is expected that there will be an increase in cloudiness in the afternoon and following, generating heavy snowfall and strong wind storms;

The heaviest rainfall occurs in the north and northwest of the territory of Kosovo; Severe frosts will appear problematic on all road axes; Air temperatures will increase in the morning BUT decrease in the afternoon, fluctuating from -3°C, the lowest value in Mitrovica, to 7°C, the highest value in the city of Prizren.

The wind will blow moderately in the morning, but it will strengthen during the afternoon, reaching speeds of up to 65 km/h from the SOUTHERN direction.

As a result of a powerful cloud system established in the early morning hours in the Republic of MV, the weather will be unstable throughout the 24-hour period, where cloudiness and rain and snow will be predominant; more pronounced in the Western and Southwestern areas;

It is predicted that afternoon and evening; bring a further increase in cloudiness by generating rain showers as well as heavy snowfall in the entire territory of MV; Air temperatures will increase significantly in the morning, but the maximums will decrease, fluctuating the daily values ​​from - 3°C, the minimum value recorded in Debar, to 10°C, the maximum value in the city of Skopje. The wind will blow strong throughout the day, reaching a maximum speed of over 60 km/h from the permanent SOUTHERN direction.

Almost the entire European continent will be under the dominance of unstable weather where clouds and precipitation of rain and snow will be dominant; Specifically; heavy rain will have; the British Isles, the Apennine peninsula as well as the Aegean coast.

Whereas; snowfall is expected in; the Scandinavian peninsula; Eastern Europe; Central Europe as well as the Balkan peninsula.

In terms of stable weather where clear skies will be dominant; respectively in; the Iberian Peninsula as well as the coasts of the Black Sea.