SPAK scanner in Kryemadhi's family; His father was a money changer, his brother worked as a baker and a DJ, and his mother earned 83,000 Lek per month.

2024-11-12 22:36:13 / POLITIKË ALFA PRESS

SPAK scanner in Kryemadhi's family; His father was a money changer, his

The Special Prosecutor's Office (SPAK) has scanned the assets of the family of PL MP, Monika Kryemadhi. In the file, SPAK has discovered dozens of transactions, worth thousands of euros, that were carried out to cover the living expenses of the Meta-Kryemadhi couple, children's education, travel, clothing and hotels.

The scandal is that in 8 years, from 2014 to 2022, Kryemadhi's bank account was credited with 1 million and 108 thousand euros, of which 1 million and 81 thousand euros were spent.

Some details in the SPAK file also show the frightening dimensions of the corruption of Meta and Kryemadhi, who have used their power to enrich themselves by looting public assets.

The prosecutors have discovered how the couple in the divorce process also hid the way of buying the famous duplex in the area of ​​the former Block. They used Fatima Kryemadhi, Monika's mother, as a cover.

What income did Kryemadhi's family have?

The PL MP often stated in her appearances that her mother had worked all her life and had made a fortune.

"They accuse my mother of buying a house for 310,000 euros. Yes, she did not buy it, my mother did not come to Tirana in 2010, she came in 1953, she was a doctor, she was an assistant judge for 2 terms with Sokol Binaj, who is now a member of the Supreme Court, she was in the office for 13 years with Valentina Leskajn.

She was the president of Tirana's women, Fatmir Xhafaj was the president of Tirana's youth. These are all millionaires with businesses, my mom couldn't buy a house?! My mother has been with businesses, with paid taxes," she said. In the SPAK file, it is stated that Fatima Kryemadhi received 8316 ALL per month.

"With the minutes of review dated January 17, 2023, the pension card of the citizen Fatima Kryemadhi was administered, from which it appears that this citizen was employed as a nurse with a net salary of 11,254 ALL in the last month before retirement and on the 26 November 2001, he received old age pension. The total monthly income together with compensations for citizen Fatima Kryemadhi is calculated at 8316 ALL.

The General Directorate of Taxes, with letter no. 362/2 Prot. dated July 10, 2023, informs that citizen Fatima Sefedin Kryemadhi has no private activity registered in her name. Since the citizen Fatima Kryemadhi received a loan in the amount of 335,000 Euros, a part of which was passed on to Monika Kryemadhi, who used it for the purchase of the apartment, the verification of her bank accounts was also done to identify the method of liquidation this loan", the file states.

His father was a money changer, his brother worked as a baker and DJ

Në dosjen e SPAK thuhet gjithashtu se Drini Kryemadhi, vëllai i Monikës, ka punuar si furrxhi, DJ dhe më vonë si mekanik. Babai Ramazani ka punuar si kambist. “Në deklarimet saj shtetasja Fatime Kryemadhi, e pyetur në lidhje me të ardhurat të cilat i ka përdorur për të blerë pasuri të paluajtshme, si dhe ato të përdorura për likujdimin e kredive që ajo vetë ka marrë, por edhe ato të marra nga vajza Monika Kryemadhi dhe që janë financuar nga Fatimja, deklaron se me ardhjen e demokracisë kishte dhënë me qira një pjesë të apartamentit 3+1 që kishte te zona e Shallvareve, dhe nga qiraja përfitonte një mijë marka në muaj.

Kjo shumë u pagua për gati dy vjet, por nuk kishte lidhur një kontratë qiraje para noterit. Bashkëshorti i saj, Ramazani, pas daljes në pension në vitin 1992, punoi si kambist ndërsa djali, Drini ka punuar si furxhi si dhe si DJ në disko Albania.

Në vitin 1990, sipas deklarueses, ishin pajisur me leje ndërtimi nga këshilli i fshatit Mëzes dhe kishin ndërtuar një shtëpi me sipërfaqe 100 m2 dhe truall 400 m2. Pas ndërtimit të shtëpisë në Mëzes, Fatimja deklaroi se kishte dhënë me qira apartamentin që kishte te Shallvaret, me qira mujore 500 USD për një periudhë 2-3 vjeçare dhe për këtë kishte lidhur edhe kontratë qiraje te Noteri. Më pas shtëpinë ia kishte dhënë me qira një shoqërie greke për shumën një milionë e gjysmë lekë, dhe me të ardhurat e siguruara arriti të blinte nga komshiu apartamentin e tij për vlerën 35 milionë lekë“, thuhet në dosjen e SPAK-ut.

Përfitimet e Kryemadhit nga kushëriri i saj

Meta dhe Kryemadhi përfituan të ardhura dhe nga kompanitë UNIFI Communication INC dhe UNIFI Holdings INC, në pronësi të biznesmenit Adrian Shatku, ku çifti përdori të gjithë pushtetin e tyre që ajo të merrte në Shqipëri lejet për 2 projekte milionëshe, futjen në tregun e fibrave optike si dhe lidhjen e marrëveshjes së interkonjekionit të transferimit të thirrjeve telefonike. SPAK arrin në përfundimin se Adrian Shatku i ka dërguar Monika Kryemadhit të dhënat për ndarjen e fitimit të interkonjeksionit, ku Monika ka përfituar përkatësisht nga 34 mijë euro në muajt korrik dhe gusht 2014, ndërsa në muajin shtator fitim i neto ka qenë 102 mijë euro por nuk dihet nëse është ndarës sipas skemës M: 32.85% dhe unifi 16.42% dhe biznesmeni 50.78%. Nga të gjitha bisedat e zhvilluara midis Monika Kryemadhit dhe Adrian Shatkut, organi i akuzës ka arritur në konkluzionin se këta dy persona flasin si bashkëpuntorë dhe ortake të biznesit të interkoneksionit të thirrjeve telefonike.


Prosecutors have discovered how Meta and Kryemadhi hid the way of buying the famous duplex in the area of ​​the former Block. "For the period 2009-2010, the persons under investigation, IM, MK and FK, purchased a duplex apartment located in the area known as the "former block", declared as financed with a bank loan. The investigation showed that the amount of 310,000 Euros used for the purchase of the first floor of the duplex was poured into the banking system by FK, and the amount of 335,000 Euros received from the loan from FK was also repaid with money deposited in the bank of of the second level in the Republic of Albania, in March-November 2010. This money is suspected to have originated from the illegal activity of IM and MK citizens, and the bank loan was used as a cover and a way to introduce significant sums of money into the banking system. , says SPAK. / Taken from the print of SOT Newspaper