They tried to leave Albania with drugs, a Macedonian and a Kosovar were arrested in Muriqan

2024-07-11 10:27:06 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

They tried to leave Albania with drugs, a Macedonian and a Kosovar were arrested

As a result of the checks and verifications that are being carried out in order to prevent and combat border crimes, the Muriqan PKK Border Police, in cooperation with the Narcotics Investigation Section of DVP Shkodër, arrested the following citizens:

BD, 30 years old, resident in Skopje, after at the exit of RSh, during the control of the vehicle he was driving, the Police services found a quantity of narcotic cannabis sativa divided into doses;

MM, 29 years old, resident in Belgium, after at the exit of RSh, during the physical control, the Police services found a quantity of narcotic substance cannabis sativa.

The procedural materials were passed to the Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of the Shkodra General Jurisdiction, for further actions.


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