Breaking the "Matrix", what Nuredin Dumani declared two years ago
An international operation, led by the authorities of France, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Lithuania and Spain, has led to the dismantling of the encrypted application "Matrix", widely used by criminals for their illegal activities.
The Matrix application was one of the most complex on the market with a high security of the messages being exchanged. But after 8 years of operation in the market, Europol announced this Tuesday that the application was broken and about 2.3 million messages were received that were exchanged between 8 thousand users, in 33 languages.
But Matrix is not a platform unknown to the Albanian authorities, the contract killer Nuredin Dumani, stated in his testimony after his arrest in 2022, that he was contacted on this application by Suel Çela, who gave him the contact of a friend of his who demanded the murder of the owner of the Wilson school in Tirana.
In his testimony, Dumani tells how the application was widely used to order paid murders.
“Gjatë komunikimit që kam pasur me Suel Çelën në Matrix më dha një kontakt të një mikut të vet, që ishte i interesuar për eliminimin e pronarit të shkollës Wilson. Më dha kontaktin e këtij personi dhe me këtë person fola disa ditë dhe më kërkoi eliminimin e pronarit të shkollës Wilson për shumën 150.000 Euro. Më kishte dërguar disa foto, garazhin e banesës (i cili ishte me hyrje dhe dalje të ndryshme), në zonën e Bllokut, foton e personit që kishte shkollën, foto ku ishte së bashku me gruan dhe djalin e tij në një restorant. Unë fillimisht që të kryeja këtë punë i kërkova 200.000 Euro. Ai më ofroi shumën prej 150.000 Euro. Këtë person nuk e kam parë asnjëherë dhe nuk e njoh dot. Në telefon regjistrova vetëm numrin e kontaktit të tij. Për këtë vrasje unë kontaktova Henrik Hoxhaj (Rikun) dhe shokun e Rikut që thirrej nipçja dhe për të cilin kam dhënë shpjegime edhe më parë. I thashë Rikut që do ti jepja 100.000 Euro që të kryente këtë punë. Me Rikun kontaktova në telefon me aplikacionin “Matrix”. Rikun në Matrix e kam regjistruar kusho. Riku pranoi dhe unë i dhashë atij fotografinë e personit si dhe të ambienteve që mi kishte dërguar i interesuari për të realizuar vrasjen. Henriku më ka treguar se pronari i shkollës Wilson e pinte kafen zakonisht te lokali përballë garazhit. Gjithashtu, Riku më ka thënë se ndjekjen e pronarit të shkollës Wilson e ka bërë edhe …………. që ka lokalin në …….., duke informuar Henrikun për lëvizjet e tij pasi banesa e tij ishte afër me lokalin e ………… Riku ka ardhur në Kosovë me një makinë Wolksvagen Passat ose Pheiton dhe në bisedë me të i thashë për objektin që duhej të vriste si dhe i dhashë një armë skorpions 7.65 mm të cilën e mbaja vetë. Mbaj mend që Riku ka ardhur edhe një herë tjetër dhe më ka takuar në Kosovë ku ishte së bashku me nipçen. Kur ka ardhur me nipçen Rikut i kam dhënë edhe një pistoletë. Organizimin e vrasjes së këtij personi e ka bërë Riku.
During the time I was in Kosovo, I communicated with Riku via phone, who asked me for a vehicle to carry out the assassination of the owner of the Wilson school. For this I have written to …………………, to whom I asked for a vehicle for work (assassination) ... The car was a Golf 4, dark blue. Riku took this car and brought it to Tirana and told me that it is in a garage, but he doesn't know where. To my knowledge this car has not been used for work by Riku. The payment for this car was made by Riku to the person who came out with a Jeep Cherokee blind. Riku told me that when he went to pick up the car, two people waited for him, where one of them drove the car 30 meters away from the blind and then they both stayed in the armored car waiting for the arrival of Riku, "nephew "... According to Riku, one of the people in the blind was full of body and wax. On the day of the event, Riku communicated with me in the Matrix and told me "let's get dirty". Riku told me that his gun had jammed. According to Riku, the nephew shot at the target. I don't know what car they used to get to or leave the event. After the event, I wrote to the contact that Suel Çela gave me and said sorry that we failed. This person told me that he had heard about it and told me that the bags should be fine. I also talked to Suel about this but we treated it as a joke, as he was careful in the conversation. Henriku received 10,000 Euros for this order. The person who was interested and who Sueli had given me, told me to take someone to a shopping center to take the deposit of 10,000 Euros. Then I communicated with Rik who I told him to go to the parking lot of the center to get 10,000 Euro. Henrik told me that he went in an ML car and when he was at the parking lot I told him to wait in the car, then he went to the mosque to a person who gave him the order of 10,000 Euros. Although the work was not completed, we have not returned the amount of 10,000 Euros.
Karamuço: MATRIX was used a lot by contract killers, including Albanians
December 3, 21:37
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