Executed 2 days ago, Bujar Nasuf's family members are being questioned again: We are not aware of the conflicts

Two days after the murder of Bujar Nasuf in the "Selita" area of Tirana, the capital's police have again questioned his family members.
Media sources inform me that during their testimony they did not reveal details about the possible conflicts that the 56-year-old had.
It is even learned that they expressed themselves quite reservedly when asked by investigators about the problems they have with their business or properties.
In such conditions, when the police do not possess effective evidence, the police have simultaneously begun searching the field to find evidence.
The victim's phone has been sent for examination to the Scientific Police, where they are expected to retrieve valuable communications from it.
Meanwhile, several security cameras were opened a few days before the incident to verify whether the perpetrator had followed the victim.
The police did not gain anything of value from the burned motorcycle and gun.
Tracking the vehicle in time was impossible because the perpetrator burned it in a tunnel, also due to the rainfall.
Bujar Nasufi, a 56-year-old businessman, was murdered outside his apartment in Selita.
As soon as his wife got out of the car, the masked perpetrator, riding a motorcycle, opened fire with an automatic weapon without getting out of it.
After that, he left for "Sun Hill 2", and from there it is believed that he left again in a car to an as yet undetermined location./ Ora News
Execution of Kristjan Marku, police question victim's family members
January 14, 10:47

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