Christianity/ Details and figures, learn about the history of Catholicism and Protestantism

The number of population in the world is 7,095,217,980, according to data from July of the previous year, reports "The World Factbook".
Of the total population of the globe, the number of Christians is 33.39 percent, of which 16.85 percent are Roman Catholics, 6.15 percent are Protestants, 3.96 percent are Orthodox and 1.6 percent are Anglicans.
As for other religious beliefs, it turns out that 22.74 percent are Muslim, 13.8 percent Hindu, 6.77 percent Buddhist.
The lowest values are for Sikhs with 0.35%, Jews with 0.22% and Baha'is with 0.11%. 10.95% of the population belong to the "other faiths" category, while non-religious, 9.66%. While atheists make up 2.01% of the world's population.
Christians are 2.1 billion, Muslims 1.6 billion, non-religious/agnostic, atheists 1.1 billion, Hindus 1 billion, Chinese with traditional religion 394 million, Buddhists 376 million, Jews 14 million.
According to a 2011 Pew Research Center study, there were 2.2 billion Christians worldwide in 2010, up from about 600 million in 1910. Today, about 37% of all Christians live in America, about 26% live in Europe, 24% live in sub-Saharan Africa, about 13% live in Asia and the Pacific, and 1% live in the Middle East and North Africa.
Christians make up the majority of the population in 158 countries and territories. 280 million Christians live as a minority. About half of all Christians worldwide are Catholic, while more than 1/3 are Protestant (37%). Orthodox communities make up 12% of Christians in the world. Other Christian groups make up the remainder.
By 2050, the Christian population is expected to exceed 3 billion. According to a 2012 Pew Research Center survey, Christianity will remain the world's largest religion in 2050 if current trends continue. In recent history, Christians have experienced persecution of varying severity, particularly in the Middle East, North Africa, East Asia, and South Asia.
Christianity is a religion founded according to the teachings and data of Jesus Christ who preached that he himself is the divine Messiah (the king of Israel and of the whole world and the promised savior, the servant of God, the Son of man) in the Bible, in the Old Testament .
The word "Christ" is derived from the Greek meaning "anointed or anointed (ie chosen) of God", ie. king, and its equivalent in Hebrew is the title Messiah.
According to Christians, Jesus Christ was the promised Messiah who made a New Covenant between humanity and God. Christianity is a religion founded on the foundations of Judaism, proclaiming that Christ will fulfill the prophecies of the Bible in the Old Testament.
Christianity was born about 2000 years ago in Judea (present-day Palestine) with Jesus Christ and his faithful group. During this period, Judea was a cultural crossroads of bustling cities and farms. The Roman emperor was their ruler, and he exercised his power through the Roman governors).
The history of Christianity - with this cultural and religious background, the ministry of Jesus began. Jesus was a Jew by origin. He followed the Jewish faith and knew their law well. In his early thirties, Jesus began to go from one village to another, teaching in synagogues and healing those who were suffering.
Protestantism is the common name of various Christian currents, which broke away from the Catholic Church in the century. XVI.
Protestants do not accept the Pope as the head of the church, oppose the celibacy of priests, are for simple religious ceremonies and against the worship of icons. The main currents of Protestantism are: Lutheranism spread in Northern Germany and the Scandinavian countries: Calvinism spread in Switzerland and the Netherlands and partly in Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Anglicanism in England./ Alfapress.al
Over 100 people arrested in Russia attended Navalny's funeral
March 2, 2:23 p.m -
Over 100 people arrested in Russia attended Navalny's funeral
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