I am convinced that Himara was part of the Rama-Berisha 2024 bargain

2024-08-05 18:10:16 / EDITORIAL NGA ENDRI SHABANI

I am convinced that Himara was part of the Rama-Berisha 2024 bargain
Berisha gets the party seal, Rama gets Himara. 

Rama forgives the vote thieves, Berisha receives investigative commissions, and of course a couple of building permits.
Berisha holds the monopoly of the opposition through closed lists, Rama gets the fourth mandate.

It's that simple! Shopping to keep the boot on the neck of the Albanian people!

And with the hope that they will continue to find fools, they came out today to convince us that the electoral system has no importance, since Rama won Himara.

Of course, if you sell the election to the opponent on the table, of course the electoral system will have no importance.

But if the electoral system had no importance, how is it possible that a week ago Berisha combined the votes with Rama, this bastard who imprisoned him at the top of the tower?!

How can you unite votes with the main enemy, for such an insignificant issue as the electoral system?!

If the electoral system has no importance, why in 2008 the two sworn enemies, Rama-Berisha, agreed only to change the electoral system?

How is it possible that these statesmen met at night to change the Constitution, for such an insignificant matter?!

If the electoral system is not important, why did Rama change the system with the constitution as soon as the DP left the field empty in the Parliament?!

If it was such a trivial matter, why did he rush to do it before the hams' term was over?!

In fact, for anyone who has a basic understanding of politics, it is well known that the electoral system is the basis of democracy.

It is enough to know that despite the stunts, Rama has since 2017 won the majority of seats in the parliament with only 48% of the votes.

The electoral system has introduced MPs with 300 votes into the Parliament, and left over 10,000 voters of Nisma Thurje out of the parliament.

The electoral system has produced two-partyism in countries like the US and Britain, but coalition governments in countries like Italy and Germany.

Even what Rama did in Himare, where he moved voters from one area to another, can be repeated in 2025 only if the electoral system remains regional.

If we had a national proportional system, wherever Rama moved the voters, the impact would be zero, because they would be counted in the same electoral district.

So when you're caught in bed with Rama, pull up your panties, put your head down, and shut up! Instead of giving us morals, give us theories!



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