Parting with Berisha, not parting with PD

Only two people, Lulzim Basha and Sali Berisha, have votes on the Albanian right. But only one of them has a future...
Recently, we have two cases of the formal departure from the PD parliamentary group of two deputies who until yesterday were aligned with that political force that is today known as the Euro-Atlantic Democrats. In fact, these two MPs are using the formal departure from Berisha to actually leave Basha.
This "invention" of Enkelejd Alibeaj, which tried to be sold to the public as an idealistic act, was actually not a separation from Berisha, it was a separation from Basha. Enkelejd Alibeaj had publicly expressed several times the separation of a group of exponents of this political force with the president Lulzim Basha and the ambition of creating a new political force.
In contrast to Alibeaj, Agalliu who declares today that he will leave the DP parliamentary group to separate from Berisha and what he represents, does not hint that he is separating from Lulzim Basha. And yet, if the break with Berisha is formal, the break with Basha is real.
As always in Albanian politics, divisions are sold as principled and ideological, but in fact they are narrow calculations for personal interests. And yet, in order to make an accurate analysis, the principle part should not be overlooked, no matter how unlikely it is.
If the separation of Enkelejd Alibeajt claimed to be principled, the principled elements fell like dominoes (these were dealt with in a previous article), personal calculations are more difficult to list, because this requires information that the protagonists naturally do not make public. like secret negotiations, etc.
However, we can say that in the case of Alibeaj, we were dealing with a bluff, which aimed, through political blackmail, to force Lulzim Basha to accept a collegial direction, which meant that Basha would surrender to the conspirators of the category of second direction of the political force.
Here we have a plan to take over the party and appropriate the political project of Lulzim Basha. But actors are not players either. The players are to be found in businessmen who operate in the media and in private universities, while the financiers were businessmen whose traces lead to the office of Belinda Balluk. Some of the actors who thought they were players were deceived.
For example, Rezart Kthupi, I don't believe he knew the movement was just a bluff and not a real project to create a political party. Otherwise, there would not have been all the enthusiasm in the media to announce the creation of a new political party that was to be announced during the week. I hope that events have turned it into reality.
Parting with Berisha should not be parting with PD
Parting with Berisha should not be parting with PD. Leaving the parliamentary group of the Democratic Party is parting with PD, not with Berisha. It is called the DP parliamentary group, not the "parliamentary group of Sali Berisha" (which is still not formally a member). As a result of a legal coup, Sali Berisha has the legitimacy of the DP today. The fact that he has it today does not mean he will have it tomorrow.
This is the reason why Lulzim Basha does not create a new political force. This would mean relinquishing the DP's legitimacy, while the legal battle is sure to be won. It may even take a very short time for the Democrats to run with their logo in next year's elections. A decision of the Supreme Court that overturns the corrupt decision of the appeal is enough for the legitimacy of the Democratic Party to return to the Euro-Atlantic Democrats led by Lulzim Basha.
PS: The good news is that the sale of living things in the Parliament of Albania has no impact on the balance of forces between the past and the future...

Berisha showed that he is "non grata", even in Germany
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