The five categories that have "obligation-determination", to attack SPAK!


The five categories that have "obligation-determination", to attack

Today, the Special Prosecutor's Office is one of the institutions anathematized by the media, by television shows, analysts near them, and especially by politics, which even when it does not do it openly, it does it secretly by supporting the former in all forms and ways. On the other hand, SPAK is a 'dumb' institution in terms of public relations. He does not appear on television to curse, to anathematize, to defend himself or to argue, because his task is not that, but to "speak" through his work, that when he is asked for a fact, he brings five hundred such and so on queue.

But who are those who today have the "right" to attack SPAK?

1. HIS SUBJECTS – CORRUPT POLITICIANS . The main purpose of setting up this institution is precisely the investigation of corruption at the highest levels of politics, in today's or yesterday's government. Corrupt politicians, who have violated the laws of the state and the public trust, against whom a case has been opened or against whom a case is expected to be opened, are within their 'right' to attack the Special Prosecutor's Office, because they see it as a potential danger for their political, economic future or even for their freedom.

2. GANGS – THE GOVERNMENT OF CRIME. Even crime has its own government. Gangs operate according to a certain hierarchy. Although SPAK has practically dealt a powerful blow, crushing the entire 'government of organized crime', its offshoots can still be created and have the right to 'attack' the institution, due to the permanent danger that can it comes from him.

3. YESTERDAY'S POLITICIANS, TODAY IN THE LAWYER PROFESSION. Whether these are lawyers of politicians who are investigated for corruption, gangs or entities that sometimes appear as strategic investors near the government, sometimes collaborate with organized crime to eliminate their opponents. This category, which has access to the media and public opinion, is within its 'right' to anathema and attack the work of the Special Prosecutor's Office, because through this they generate income.

4. THE NEO-MARXISTS WHO HAVE STOPPED THE CLOCK OF THE ANTI-AMERICANISM OF THE FATHERS. The fiercest critics in the media, on television and on portals, are the heirs of former blockmen, who have an ANTI SPAK approach from the neo-Marxist positions of anti-Americanism, looking with skepticism at the work of this prosecution as long as it is not sovereign like a granite rock , like their fathers before the '90s, relying on internal forces, but strongly supported from across the Atlantic. Their approach is refined, removing parallels with certain American policies in Latin America or the Middle East, but they forget that Albania is a small Balkan country that does not have the bones to make 'big' games in a powder keg region , surrounded by neighbors who are ready to devour him at any moment.

5. ANALYSTS AND MEDIA SPONSORED BY SPAK ENTITIES Everyone knows how the semi-independent media and analysts work on the TV dinner screens. If you see, who attacks more, he gets paid more. It is enough to see on which screens they appear and promote their ideas, to understand from which money they are paid. Of course, they are paid from the sweat and toil of Albanians, which was stolen from them by corrupt politicians.

In this panorama of five main categories that have the 'right' to attack SPAK morning and night, it is worth noting that in all popular polls, the Special Prosecutor's Office remains the most reliable and hopeful institution among Albanians, which will says that the attacks on him are inversely proportional to people's desires and expectations. The prosecution of Posçame and Altin Dumani can be attacked by the above categories, insinuations can be created and small crowds of blind party militants can be manipulated, but time is the best judge and the work is visible and tangible to everyone, while the the future a living testimony of what is happening today in this country.