"Viruses, accumulation of toxins that are activated"/ Doctor: Everything is related to the digestive system
Doctor Luciano Bardhi has given advice on health, focusing on viruses, which have become a problem especially for children.
He said that the main part of preparing the body to cope with viruses is food, while he emphasized the need not to consume canned food.
"For children, the main part is food because in this way the immune system is trained.
The virus is a reaction of the immune system. If we have an immune system, which is included in the digestive system, if something goes wrong with the intestines, toxins take up residence in these systems and we are affected by viruses. Viruses accumulate toxins from being pushed from the outside, there comes a moment and they come to the fore.
If we are sleepless and eat the wrong foods, or even if we do not chew the food we eat well, we are more exposed.
Children should not be fed canned foods that lack electrons and oxygen protons that irritate cells. Their intestines and stomach are like that of a 60-year-old for this very reason," he said.
The doctor has also listed a number of foods and plants that can help fight viruses.
"The use of bone broth, juniper jam, the use of some herbs is necessary. Juniper jam with a little honey is very essential for the aspiration system, turmeric with honey and a little pressed cranberry, ginger with honey is also used. Onions on the soles of the feet against fever. "Royal milk, celery, thyme and chickpea juice that have high levels of vitamin B and collagen ," he said on News24's Time to Wake Up.
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