The world is well on its way ... to disaster

2024-03-03 16:26:16 / IDE NGA ERL KODRA

The world is well on its way ... to disaster

The extreme right has turned into an ideological as well as a cultural mish-mash; where conspiracy theorists coexist with Flat Earth charlatans, anti-globalists with extremist communists, anti-Islamists with radical Islam, anti-Semites with medieval crusaders; they talk about sovereignty and attack and occupy sovereign countries, they build policies in the name of God violating human rights.

Right-wing extremists have elected their global leader, and that is Vladimir Putin. On the other hand, Putin unites all dictators under a powerful global leadership such as Ali Khamenei, Kim Jong Un, Alexander Lukashenko and Xi Jinping, while his followers are found everywhere from the American continent, to Asia, Africa and Europe.

Their objective is to destroy the world as we know it, claiming that they are protecting family values ​​from the threat posed by the freedoms that people of different sexual orientations are gaining, but in the meantime, they tolerate their global leader Vladimir Putin when he starts war on a scale widely against Ukraine - because presumably according to them - Putin is protecting conservative family values ​​in Ukraine. 

Putin's admirers find him in the United States embodied in former President Donald Trump; an old and ardent admirer of the Russian President, to the President of Argentina Javier Milei (the madman who appeared in public with a chainsaw half-naked doing a show), to the former President of Brazil Jair Messias Bolsonaro, to the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán, to Jimmie Åkesson, the leader of the Sweden Democrats in Sweden, Marine Le Pen of the National Front in France, AFD in Germany and UKIP in Great Britain. They tolerate their global leader Vladimir Putin waging an unjust and unprovoked war against a sovereign country in Ukraine, while turning a blind eye to the fact that Putin's strategic allies are Iran, Syria, China and North Korea. 

While war fever is felt throughout Europe, Vladimir Putin threatens the world with nuclear weapons. But the allies and followers of the Russian president in the West continue to support him without breaking the deal. They simply adore the Kremlin leader as he gives a speech full of threats to all humanity in the Russian Duma, while he has just killed his biggest critic Alexei Navalny in a prison near the Arctic Circle. 

"This guy is a genius" - said Donald Trump when Vladimir Putin launched the large-scale attack on February 24, 2022, while not having the heart to say a single word about the assassination of Alexei Navalny. "I will stop the war in Ukraine for 24 hours" - says former President Trump, adding "if I am elected President". 

The mish-mash of the extreme right seems to have plunged the world into a kind of frightening cacophony, where conspiracy theories mixed with ignorance and fake news multiplying on social networks, has succeeded in creating an explosive situation around the world. Democracy in the United States is being severely compromised by Russia's interventions, which have found in Donald Trump the perfect clown who is waging the Russian war inside the USA. 

On the other hand, the American Democrats have also chosen as a "war horse" the current president Joe Biden, a desolate old man in deep dementia. 

So the world seems to be well on its way "to flee for fur"

Happening now...