A new political idiocy: the "coup" of the government against the opposition

2024-12-02 15:56:53 / IDE NGA SHABAN MURATI

A new political idiocy: the "coup" of the government against the

A new terminological and political invention has been launched by the aging opposition. There is talk of a " coup " of the government against the opposition. It is the newest Albanian idiocy in the political field.

Since the birth of the coup d'état, all political dictionaries and political schools define the coup d'état as an armed attempt to seize power by force of arms.

The coup d'état is always organized by the political forces, which are not in power, and it has never happened that the political forces, which are in power, have the power, and do not need to take something they have by force.

This is how the coups took place in Greece in 1967, in Cyprus in 1974, in Chile in 1973, in Albania by the DP in 1998.

But the gerontocrats of Albanian politics have now invented a " coup d'état" of the government, which has power, against the opposition, which wants to take power. And to make the Albanian stupidity as big as possible, they are talking about a " coup d'état " of the government against a single person, and specifically against the chairman of the DP.

It is a new Albanian idiocy, which proves that our politics and politicians are different from the rest of the world and only invent sui generis things.

The new political invention was made, first of all, because the trusted political group, which was appointed by the Labor Party to set up the new democratic system, is politically illiterate and has no political school and no political cultural formation. The only political literature that that group read until 1990 were the works of Enver Hoxha.

After 1990, when she was placed in the seats of power, she did not have time either to do any political school in the West or to read political books, because she was busy with the intrigues of power and personal enrichment.

The second reason for this Albanian political invention is that the Albanian opposition has destroyed itself in that kind of religion, so that not only can it not come to power, although it faces a government of scandals and corruption, but it does not even occur to it to come with votes and with the program in power.

The wretched opposition only has the president's personal legal problem, which he is carrying like a cross on his back wherever he goes. So she needs an alibi for her genetic weakness as an opposition and invents the idiocy that the government is making a " coup d'état " against her and her president.

It is so ridiculous and they have become so ridiculous, that they even talk to foreign diplomats about a governmental "coup d'état" against the opposition. Foreign diplomats of course laugh and say that with this kind of opposition, the government stays in power for another 30 years without doing anything.

It needs neither a coup d'état nor a theater for a coup d'état. Today's aged and sclerosed opposition is doing the theater.

Happening now...