The story of Riley, a young boy whose life is changed by a tragic accident

2024-10-12 00:09:21 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

The story of Riley, a young boy whose life is changed by a tragic accidentThe story that was narrated tonight in "For the Albanians" focuses on a 23-year-old man, whose life has changed completely after a tragic incident that left him paralyzed 1 year ago.

A young man, full of dreams and plans for life, suffers a tragic turn that interrupts everything and a year later he comes to a television studio, finding the strength to accept himself but also for a noble gesture. 23 years ago, on March 7, Rajli, the first son of Lejla and Fatjon, was born in the Dardha family. Riley was a good, agile child who started taking his first steps before he was even 1 year old.

After Riley, the second daughter of the family is born, his younger sister, whom he has always felt the responsibility of taking care of like an older brother. While the parents were working, the children were mainly taken care of by the grandmother. And so he grew up, with great love, with the advice of his grandmother and with responsibility for himself, his sister and his parents.

He was very passionate about sports. He played football with his friends as a goalkeeper and from the age of 10, he became an ardent fan of Tirona (as he says). When he was 11 years old, he started boxing. Sometimes he even became a champion, but it was not a sport that the family was proud of, because his mother was very worried when she saw him coming home with scars on his face. At the age of 17, he quit boxing. He decided to follow another passion, that of fixing cars. After finishing high school, he started working as a mechanic in the area of ​​Bryl, very close to home. He was not at all ashamed if he walked the streets of Tirana, with his work clothes all greasy and dirty, because the satisfaction he felt when he could buy a gift for his sister with his salary, buy his parents shopping for his grandmother, buy a warm scarf, it was incomparable to any other sensation.

For the Riley family, he was there for everyone whenever they needed him. A boy who never caused trouble. For his girlfriend, he was the partner who tried at all costs to be the right one, to work as hard as possible, so that one day he would go to her family and ask for her hand in marriage, proudly say I love your daughter and I will offer him the best life.

But today when we talk about Riley, unfortunately we have to talk in two times; in was and is. And what Riley did in the past remained there, unable to be repeated today...

Rajli zgjohej çdo mëngjes në orën 7. Pinte kafen herët dhe shkonte në shkollën profesionale për elektroauto. Pas shkollës shkonte në punë, pas pune në palester, pas palestrës takonte të dashurën e tij dhe më pas në shtëpi. Rajli ishte aty për të marr motrën adoleshente nga shkolla, që të ndjente kujdesin dhe mbrojtjen e vëllait më të madh. Ishte aty për të marr mamin dhe babin nga puna. Ishte aty për të vizituar gjyshen që jetonte në një lagje më larg. Ishte aty për shoqërinë, për të organizuar daljet dhe sidomos ato më të preferuarat në stadium duke ndjekur Tironën.

Ishte aty për t’i dhënë mbështetje gjithkujt, derisa një ditë gjithëkush do të kthente sytë për t’i dhënë mbështetje atij. Ishte korrik i 2023-shit, dita më e nxehte e vitit-kujton Rajli. Në fundjavë ai shkonte nga gjyshja për drek, rutinë që nuk e ndërronte kurrë. Pasi takon gjyshen dhe nusen e dajës, flet me to pak çaste dhe prej vapës shkon të freskohet në tualet.

I hutuar në telefon, minutat kalojnë dhe ndez edhe një cigare, duke u mbështetur në parvazin e dritares. Rajli kujton se mbylli telefonin, pa orën 11:59 dhe më pas nuk kujton më asgjë.

Kaluan minutat dhe Rajli nuk po dilte që të drekonte. Thirrjeve të gjyshes që mendonte se thjesht nipi ishte me kufje e dëgjonte muzikë, iu përgjigj trokitja në derë e fqinjëve. Të tronditur ata i kërkojnë gjyshes të zbresë poshtë. Gjyshja zbret me një frymë 4 katet e pallatit, me zemrën që rrihte fort, pa ditur se çdo dëgjonte. Në tokë gjen Rajlin, pak centimetra e ndanin nga asfalti i trotuarit. Ai qëndronte aty, i pavetëdijshëm. Pa kuptuar se si, ishte rrëzuar nga kati i 4. Ora 11:59 mbetet çasti që i ndryshoi gjithçka.

Rajli kujton vetëm sirenën e ambulancës, e më pas zhurmën e aparaturave të spitalit. Nën efektin e qetësuesve, kërkonte vetëm mamin. E teksa Rajlin e qetësonin ilaçet, nuk kishte asgjë që qetësonte shpirtin e familjes Dardha, që jeta iu përmbys sa hap e mbyll sytë. Mjekët thonin se kishte thyerje në shtyllën kurrizore, por vështirësia më e madhe ishte të kalonte betejën për jetën.

Rajli thotë se mbijetesa mund të jetë vetëm një mrekulli. Zoti i fali jetën për së dyti. Pasi kalon rrezikun për jetën, familja duhej të përballej me një tjetër vështirësi.

Rajli zgjohet, e vetmja që ndjente ishte koka, hapte mbyllte sytë dhe mund të pinte vetëm ujë. Nuk lëvizte dot asnjë gjymtyrë. Pyeste mamin se çfarë po ndodhte dhe e ëma me zërin që i dridhej i thoshte se është e përkohshme. Çdo gjë do kthehet në normalitet.

Ditë më pas filloi të lëvizte duart e të ndjente kraharorin, teksa lëvizte e mbushej me frymë. Të ndjente fytyrën e së ëmës që mbështetej e derdhte lot.

Rajli thotë se e shikoja që i fshinte lotët ashtu vjedhurazi, kthente kokën nga unë dhe buzëqeshte. Thoshte se do ia dalësh, se je djalë i fortë. Dhe unë e besoja, sepse të besoje ishte gjëja me e lehtë që mund të bëja.

3 weeks passed, but he still couldn't feel his legs. The most difficult moment was when his mother told him the truth. The moment had come for him to know. He never forgets that sentence:

"Rail is wonderful to have you with us, but the doctors said the damage is so bad you can't walk."

Riley says that who has not tried it, there is no way to understand what a person feels in those moments. But you mean those bad dreams, or rather, when you try to run, but your legs don't respond. You understand why, because you know you can do it, but then you open your eyes and you're glad it was a dream...

What if the opposite happens: you dream that you are running, that you feel the pleasure of your foot touching the ground, that you walk steadily into distant memories and then open your eyes. This time you don't rejoice, you wish it was true, but now you can't.

Riley told us that accepting this truth was a process that lasted for several months. He refused to go out, he refused to sit in that wheelchair, he refused to ask for help, he refused to meet his company, his girlfriend...

Riley was not used to living differently, he was used to being around others, not asking for help.

His father, like his son, could not cope with the incident. He changed completely as a person, and since that day Riley has not seen him smile anymore, and even his father spends more hours away from home, avoiding the bitter reality.

On the other hand, there is the grandmother, who does not forgive herself that the incident happened in her house, and on the other hand, the mother. The only one who gave him strength, who told him you've got me and who believed and still believes that Riley will one day walk again.

Riley spent hours alone in the room, sometimes deleting the photos that reminded him of the past, other times bringing them back. Sometimes he cursed himself for being unfit and weighed on his mother's shoulders every time he had to move her out of bed, and sometimes he was happy that maybe that physique kept him alive.

Riley felt bad as he thought he was the reason his parents lost their jobs. As he looked at their eyes that tried to smile, telling them you will make it, even though they themselves did not know if it would be possible.

Riley had no other choice, he had to become strong for his family, especially for his mother.

It started to come out; even though the first day he went out for a walk with his wheelchair, he admits that he was ashamed of himself when he met people's pitying looks.

He had no choice but to accept the reality and try to awaken within himself the Riley of a year ago; who was concerned about the happiness of the family. They were the main impetus for Riley to rebuild himself, and in turn he had to be the one to ease their pain.

Today he came to say thank you to mom. Thank you for never leaving her alone.

Happening now...