Learn the reasons why garlic should not be consumed in the evening before bed

2024-11-04 09:11:10 / JETË ALFA PRESS

Learn the reasons why garlic should not be consumed in the evening before bed

Garlic is definitely a food that should not be missed during the day.

Its health benefits are countless, especially against viruses and inflammation, but when it comes to sleep, it has no impact on its quality.

According to data from AgroWeb.org, garlic is effective in treating diseases such as atherosclerosis, ischemia, immune problems, arthritis and vision problems.

In this article you will learn the reasons why garlic is not recommended to be consumed in the evening before going to bed, and not only because of the strong aroma.

Garlic stimulates the entire digestive system, so large amounts of garlic eaten in the evening intensify the secretion of gastric juices and saliva.

Such a thing will leave you without sleep.

The secret to absorbing the benefits of garlic is to consume it at breakfast or lunch.

It is recommended that if you want to consume garlic at dinner, then you should eat it two to three hours before going to bed and accompany it with food.

This way you will avoid stomach acidity.

Garlic and the respiratory tract

Garlic opens the airways and disperses secretions.

But this does not mean that you should eat garlic before bed.

It is enough to consume it during the day regularly, that is, in the morning or around lunch.

The inexhaustible powers of Garlic

If garlic does not cause stomach problems, then you should eat it regularly.

Through garlic, you will be able to supply the body with useful nutrients.

Garlic helps the immune system and the cardiovascular system to function optimally.

As for sleep, there are a number of foods such as: spinach, walnuts, broccoli, pumpkin, avocado, banana.

People who have trouble sleeping should avoid processed foods.

Foods with sugar, carbohydrates, fat have a strong impact on the body's sleep process.

They hamper any efforts of the brain to produce melatonin, especially if consumed too close to bedtime.

Chocolate is also not recommended before bed because it interrupts the process of secreting sleep hormones./aw/

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