"Liridona Ademaj's family demands life imprisonment for Murseli", lawyer Syla: In the indictment, Naimi is considered a co-author, not a commissioner

Leutrim Syla, Liridona Ademaj's lawyer, in a live broadcast for "Top Story" revealed details regarding the court process and the indictments filed against the victim's husband, Naim Murseli, who is in custody.
Syla said that Liridona's family is seeking the maximum sentence for Mursel, namely life imprisonment, while adding that Mursel is considered in the indictment as an accomplice in the murder and not as the one who ordered it.
Syla : The suspected perpetrators have declared their innocence. If they admitted guilt to the police, they changed their statement to the prosecutor's office.
The indictment states that Murseli had asked Kushtrim to carry out the murder. The latter had refused, but would find someone else. Granit Plava had committed it only for financial purposes.
Syla : It is not mentioned in the indictment because they are not proposed as witnesses.
Duma : What did you ask for? What do you expect from the end of the investigation?
Syla : It is one of the most sensitive and difficult cases. The family has lost Liridona and we cannot bring her back. The deserved punishment in this case is life imprisonment. This would at least ease the pain of Liridona's family.
Dudushi : Do you think the Prosecution has exhausted its work?
Syla : We have not received the file from the prosecutor, we are waiting for it to be handed over to us. After the meetings we have had with the prosecutor's office, this is the information we have.
If Liridona agreed to close the issue, Naimi wanted to have a freer life, without Liridona. It was not enough to talk to the family about the problems between Liridona and Naimi. In Sweden, a report on the separation was received, there were some procedures that are mentioned, but we do not have it.
Hoxha : What are you looking for as a lawyer?
Syla : The indictment has a multitude of witnesses and I believe that we will easily pass this stage. We will seek the maximum sentence, a life sentence. We have two such cases in Kosovo. The Ademaj family has never been a claimant… they have not requested the initiation of a compensation procedure. Because he is not considered the orderer, Murseli is a co-perpetrator according to the indictment.

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