Apple history? Created by a public relations agency

The garage is the perfect synthesis of the American Dream, it embodies its very essence and, as such, would deserve a special phenomenology. All Americans or almost have one next to the apartment, which communicates with the house, and yet a universe in itself. Inside it, ideas are projected, in some cases tears of failure are shed, in others empires are born so dominant that they forever revolutionize our way of conceiving contemporaneity and its created order. Apple, Amazon, Google, Hewlett – Packard (HP), Mattel, Disney, Harley Davidson, Lotus. All these multinationals share a common story: they were born in a garage. And that's when an anonymous space that serves as a place for cars or rusty equipment can be transformed into a cube with walls decorated with fantasy, a social elevator from the ground floor, a magical place where everyone is allowed to conceive wealth his.
Even in this case, the collective imagination is the predominant factor, and whoever deals with PR and communication knows very well the evocative power of such an involuntary mechanism. Dan Heath, author of best-selling books and Professor of Social Economics at the very famous Duke University in the state of North Carolina, was among the first to understand the social valence of the garage: a hymn to libertarianism and to that capitalism that makes Americans truly Americans. During a speech he explained that: "No one will listen to the story of rich guys with a good network of contacts who meet in the conference rooms of Marriott hotels to draw up a business plan. There's nothing romantic about it."
The first house of Steve Jobs, at No. 2066 Crist Drive in Los Altos, Santa Clara County, California, has become an object of pilgrimage for devout startuppers and businessmen, so much so that even local tour guides note the presence of this small shrine that is now a "preserved public property." in all aspects. By a strange irony of fate, it is precisely the garage that dominates the facade of the small villa, a typical example of American residential architecture that develops on a single floor. It would be indistinguishable from the neighboring houses if it weren't for the number 2066 located just above the hydrant.
It is there, in front of the garage, that "Fortune" magazine has immortalized the iconic founder of Apple in 1996, smiling and with his hands in his pockets, exactly 20 years after the founding of the most famous bitten apple in the world. But it is not always easy to understand where reality ends and where a mythic narrative begins, cunningly architected ad hoc to fuel the fame and, consequently, the business of a multibillion-dollar company.
Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, had blown the balloon of the legend of the origin of the company on two occasions: the first time through an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit and the second time in an interview given to "Businessweek", where has confirmed that yes, "the garage is a bit of a myth, since we didn't design there, we didn't even assemble the tabs and it didn't serve us much, except to feel at home. In fact, I was doing everything near my cubicle at HP in Cupertino."
Wozniak reiterated the concept during the World Web Forum in Zurich, a two-day meeting that brings together the world's most influential thinkers, this time adding further details that bring into play the small role played by PR companies in creating the Apple mythology. "Our investors threw huge amounts of money into our business and owned shares of the company as much as myself and Steve Jobs," Wozniak declared, "and they had public relations agencies behind them that used the evocative image of two guys in a garage because winning, attractive to the media. It's a famous story, but the garage was not the place where we found new ideas or discussed the products that needed to be made, much less did we make any furniture there. None of this ever happened in there."
The story of Apple is the story of PR, which, attached to a revolutionary idea, serves as an unparalleled driving force. Because the truth is, to thrive, every modern legend needs a garage. Imaginary though. / Bota.al


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