Fitim Zekthi: All opposition parties should unite, ask the DP…

Analyst Fitim Zekthi, invited to the Open show on News 24, stated that the political system in Albania is two-party. He stated that this two-party system is difficult to break.
According to Zekthi, all opposition political parties should unite. He said that the smaller parties should bring the DP to the table and ask it to accept the SPAK institution. Zekthi said that these opposition forces should put forward a joint candidate, who makes some realistic promises.
Fitim Zekthi: The two-party system in Albania is difficult to break. For me, all the opposition parties should come together and choose a candidate who supports the things they should support, including SPAK, among others. A joint list should be made, more or less like the Romano Prodi model in Italy.
But, there is distrust in others and one cannot overcome oneself. I think they should sit down with the DP and tell them to support SPAK as well. Albania is a two-party political regime and it should be broken.

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