Opposition coalition in the elections/ Shehi: Let's gather on a common list, away from Berisha and Meta

Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta are not seen as oppositionists even by the political elite. The leader of the Movement for National Development, Dashamir Shehi, called for the opposition to unite in a broad coalition with a common open list with consensus, or else wait for the turn of the other list, the one determined by Berisha from the blue seat, together with Meta from the cell.
Shehi revealed that within January he will finalize the agreement with several opposition allies, bringing together Lulzim Basha and Enkelejd Alibeaj after the divorce with the seal.
The leader of the National Development Movement appeared unhappy but optimistic about the diaspora vote. He urged immigrants to register en masse by the May 11 deadline to vote, even though he hopes that only 60-70 thousand votes will come from abroad.

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