Searches at the apartment of ''Harabel'' of Xoxa/Myzyraj: Documents related to the criminal proceedings against Veliaj and his family members were found

2025-01-15 22:25:00 / POLITIKË ALFA PRESS

Searches at the apartment of ''Harabel'' of Xoxa/Myzyraj:

Journalist Isa Myzyraj, invited to the show ''Ora e Betit'' on Ora News, stated that during the searches at the apartment and business ''Harabel'' of Ajola Xoxa, Erion Veliaj's wife, a series of documents were found that are related to the criminal proceedings that were carried out against Veliaj and his family members.

Myzyraj: Today we had information that a flat near the offices of ''Harabel'' had been searched.

So to remind you that ''Harabeli'' is located on the 10th floor of this tower and the apartment is now on the 11th floor.

There are several questions that arise here.

The first question is, why wasn't the apartment searched along with the other searches, so this apartment came to light later?

SPAK probably didn't know because they would have all been checked together.

It may have come out during the investigations or during the statements of the individuals because we have seen that Mr. Abule and his wife spent long hours at SPAK.

So maybe you've heard of this apartment before.

According to officially unconfirmed information, they found that the fact that they kept it a secret meant they had something there.

They found a number of documents.

There are rumors that they have also found locked documents among the safes that were opened with force, but all of this needs to be confirmed in the coming days.

But what is certain is that they have found a series of documents related to the criminal proceedings being conducted against Veliaj and his family members./ Oranews


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