"Salianji got more votes than you"/ Here's why Edmond Spaho revolted, with Grida Duma

2025-01-25 15:45:45 / POLITIKË ALFA PRESS

"Salianji got more votes than you"/ Here's why Edmond Spaho

Edmond Spaho has responded harshly to Grida Duma, after the latter mentioned him on her show.

But what did Duma say that caused Spaho's reaction?

She praised her boyfriend, Ervin Salianji, saying that he received preferential votes in the last elections, leaving behind Edmond Spaho, even though he was the head of the District.

" The people's preferential vote was for Salianji. Besides him, there were three other deputies who received more than the political leader."

Then there's a problem here. I don't have it with Spaho, because he's an old man...", said Duma.

This then prompted Spaho to respond to Duma.

"A forced response to Grida Duma, who used me as an example on Thursday evening's show about why I didn't come out on top in the personal vote in the 2021 elections:

In the 2021 elections, I campaigned for the DP without seeking personal votes.

The result was one more mandate for the DP in Korca than in 2017. The Korca region was one of the 3 regions that achieved the objective.

I was the only competitor in Korca who, in the area assigned to me, had a competitor from my political force, who received 3,000 votes. The others did not have these "favors".

I didn't enter other people's areas to ask the DP structure to vote for me like someone else did.

I had 18,500 voters in the area I covered. Others had 28,000 voters.

I'm not talking about other tricks.

15,000 votes behind like you did in Durres in 2015 or the votes you got in Kavaje in 2021 will not happen to me. You lost in Kavaje but you were promoted to lieutenant colonel of the DP.

Have you ever won a Grida during your time in politics?

I lost only once in 2017 out of 6 electoral contests I had for deputy in the Albanian Parliament.

While I have been in politics, I have overseen 5 local elections and 1 general election and I have lost 2 times, when I worked for you in 2015 and in 2023 when Ritsetilim entered without a name, without a seal, without funds and without commissioners.

And most importantly, Grida, I have never entered election campaigns to raise money for myself. I believe you understand what I'm talking about.

"Tung one more time ," Spaho writes in his reaction.


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