Rice with 'Milk Cream'

Rice, risotto or pilaf whatever you call it, the characteristic taste of this food is wonderful and preferred by most people.
It is known as one of the healthiest dishes and used all over the world.
Combinations with rice start from those with meat, in a casserole, in a pan, up to the famous sultjash dessert with cinnamon.
Although you may have tried it in many ways, AgroWeb.org in today's recipe suggests a new, creamy and different taste from the usual dry pilaf.
Rice with spices, milk cream and cheese has a special and very creamy taste that will gather the whole family around the table.
Follow below the easy and fast way to prepare this dish according to AgroWeb.org's advice.
200 g of white rice
750 ml of broth (chicken is recommended)
30 g of butter
4 tablespoons of milk cream or whipping cream
3 tablespoons of olive oil
3 tablespoons of grated cottage cheese
1 small bunch of parsley
1 small bunch of dill or rosemary
1 bunch small basil
1 red onion
a little oregano
To start preparing this recipe, AgroWeb.org advises you to first cut the onion into thin strips.
In a deep pan placed on the fire, add the melted butter together with the olive oil.
When the butter has melted, add the onion that you chopped before, stirring constantly until the onion is completely softened.
Then add the rice, mixing it and little by little add the broth, saving a full glass for later.
Leave the rice on the fire for 15-20 minutes, while cleaning and cutting the spices into thin threads.
If desired, you can add other spices such as rosemary, basil or mint.
In a separate container, pour the milk cream, the chopped spices, a spoonful of grated cheese and half a glass of the broth that you saved earlier.
Mix all these ingredients in a mixer until you get a uniform green mass.
Go back to your rice and before it has absorbed all the meat juice, add the rest of it and the cream you prepared in the mixer.
Mix carefully so that the spicy sauce spreads throughout the pan.
Leave it on low heat for another 3-4 minutes until you see that the liquid mass has been absorbed by the rice.
Turn off the heat and while the pan is still warm, add the rest of the cottage cheese.
Mix well and serve this dish warm to round out your meals full of flavor.

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