"The only thing I haven't achieved...", Heidi shows her dream in the drawer

Big Brother Vip Albania is a social phenomenon that grips not only the attention but also the public debate. From January 13, the third edition of "Big Brother VIP 3" started on Top Channel.
A reality show, which from the first night of the show managed to nail the viewers in front of the screen and turned out to be quite successful. Everyone has something to say about the effects of this format, both those who enjoy it and have fun, but also those who are against it.
Today, Big Brother has put the residents in front of some questions, which everyone must answer. To the question of what is their dream in the drawer, Heidi answered:
The only thing I haven't been able to do is that I didn't go on to become a doctor, I didn't go to that medical school, I didn't have a chance because I didn't pass the test and then Covid has taken me far away from those things in my life...


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