He told her that he is a brother to her, Gesti-to residents: I have Eglin as my lover

The gesture has started today with positive energy, but it's enough for him to say one word and some of the residents will use it.
While out with some of them, Gjesti says that he will 'catch a lover on Big Brother VIP 4'. He meant to love her because according to him, that's how they say it in Kosovo.
But the residents were explaining to him that in Albania the word 'lover' does not have a good connotation.
At one point, while sitting with Livia and Gjesti on the steps near the pool, Egli explained what the word 'lover' means.
"That's what he told Aldo that he told me money," Egli said, laughing, and then added: "But that's what they're saying in Kosovo."
When asked what the gesture means, Egli replies: "Love is when you are married and have another."
Gjesti then addresses the residents who are using 'affectionate' words:
"You are very weak, how weak. Come on, live more, don't you have anything else? I have Eglin, my lover, what do you want? Are you satisfied? Thank you. Good night."
Meanwhile, Egli, who was with Livia in another corner of the yard, just laughs, not reacting to the words that Gjesti says to Aldo and G-Bani.
We recall that last night when Egli asked her if she liked him, Gjesti answered 'no'. The resident then told him that from that moment on she looked at him 'like a brother'.
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January 17, 16:00

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