Confirmed the love affair, Ola Bruko: I was not married when I got together with Endri

2024-12-11 08:21:37 / SHOWBIZ ALFA PRESS
Confirmed the love affair, Ola Bruko: I was not married when I got together with

Singer Endrit Prifti and journalist Ola Bruko were invited to the "Ndryshe" program with Salsano Rrapi and Elona Duro.

They have been officially a couple for a few months now, putting an end to constant speculation about their relationship. After a long period of rumors in the media and on social networks, they have decided to make their romance official.

Speculations about their relationship started last summer and were reinforced during the show "Dola te Ola," where Endri Prifti and his brothers were not only singers, but also co-hosts with journalist Ola Bruko.

This was an important period for both of them, leading to the development of a deeper and more personal bond. Ola Bruko was previously married and has two children from her previous relationship, while Endri Prifti has been single for a long time.

Now, they have decided to open a new chapter together, and this has been a news that has been awaited and welcomed by their friends and followers. Moreover, this is their first public interview as a couple.

Did they look for love in each other?

Ola:  No one asked for it.

Endri:  He was born by chance after three years. We had the show "Dola te Ola" and by chance.

Ola:  None of us asked for it, but because of work we spent a lot of time together. The three of us lived together, including Stefi. We had meetings after the show, met during the week to program the next show and so on.

When was the moment when they realized that a beautiful feeling of love was arising between them?

Endri:  Was it Valentine's Day or Christmas? One of these two.

In the network not everyone has commented positively about their relationship and in many cases Ola has posted some statements to imply that they should not comment on her choices. Ola further clarified:

“I don't want to push them away, more than I want to try to make people understand that they don't have to deal with the other. "Never say never", say the people. Good or bad can happen to anyone in life and you cannot judge the other without knowing the story. For example, they managed to write to me to the point that "you should be punished, my daughter, for destroying the family for Endri Prifti". I'm sorry, how do you know that I ruined the family for Endri Prifti?

This is too terrible even for me. They kill me because it might affect my children. This alone kills me. I mean, I'm ready to kill for my children. Sorry, don't take it like, in the good sense of the word. So since I have both teenage kids and both kids love Endre very much. They can't wait to meet him.

I try not to take them into consideration, then a moment comes and I say "how is it possible, what are these people who have this great malice inside them?". At the end of the day I came to get your husband, or where I know. To make it clear once and for all. When I got together with Endri Prifti, I was not married, so that the world can calm down once and for all."

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