"There are many pedophiles on TikTok", Robert Aliaj: Derogatory language is being used by celebrities

2024-12-07 14:42:36 / SHOWBIZ ALFA PRESS

"There are many pedophiles on TikTok", Robert Aliaj: Derogatory

The well-known artist Robert Aliaj has expressed his concerns about the social networking platform TikTok, invited to the News24 studio. Aliaj commented on the platform, highlighting some negative aspects related to its content and impact on society, especially among young people.

"We have to admit that there are many pedophiles on TikTok," Aliaj declared, underlining one of the biggest concerns he has over the use of the platform. He said that one of the consequences of using this platform is the increased risk of abuse, especially for children and young people who spend a lot of time on TikTok.

Also, Aliaj criticized the use of derogatory language on the platform, which is often present and used by people with great influence. "Derogatory language is also used by very famous characters. They are made fun of in the most horrible ways,” he added, referring to the frequent conflicts and insults that occur between popular TikTok users, which are widely shared.


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