"There is no strength"/ Is there an agreement with Egli? Gjesti explains the clash with Xumi: I apologize to her family, but they are using me for things from the outside

Gjesti has explained the clash he had with Jozi, Valbona and Xumi after saying that Eglin "has a lover".
He said that he used this word to mean "dear", while apologizing to Egli's family. Meanwhile, he said that of the three aforementioned residents, he said that he was touched because they use stories from abroad.
Gestie: I'm having a great time with him, lucky the family that has him. Agreement between us? There is no agreement about our behavior, everything is true.
Egli: I chose to use the term "lover" to have this conversation with Gjesti, I chose to tell him that in Kosovo it is okay, I explained to him that here it is understood in a different connotation, and he agreed to this. I was worried myself, there is no need for anyone to worry.
Aldo: I also have an appreciation for Egli from the outside. My only concern was whether Gjesti would make a mistake, like we used the words "to catch the woman" or "lover". I didn't want him to fall prey. Looking at the video, maybe it should be Gjesti who doesn't ruin his game, because I think Egli is two steps ahead.
Egli: I don't want to give this report romanticism marks, I'm just having a good time and I don't know why it's such a problem that it gives me reason to laugh.
G Bani: You inherited it, brother, what do I care?
Gestie: I call the woman a lover there, here I realized that it is so, I apologize. I felt bad for Jozi, Valbona and Xumi because they mentioned stories from outside, I was very upset that they only use things from outside because they have no other strength. I apologize to Egli's family for that word.
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