There is no room for doubt, Pep Guardiola divorces his partner after 30 years together

Pep Guardiola and his wife Cristina Serra have separated. One of the longest-lasting couples in world football, together for 30 years, has decided to part ways.
A decision that, according to the media, was already made weeks ago, but for which Pep Guardiola and his wife have managed to maintain confidentiality.
Guardiola and Cristina Serra had been living in separate homes for some time now, having made the decision to separate at the end of last month.
However, it was a shock to many people. In fact, only a few close relatives and a few friends were aware of the couple's difficulties.
They have three children: Maria (24 years old), an influencer with one million followers on Instagram, Marius (22 years old), CEO of three companies and lives in Dubai, and Valentina, still a minor.

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