UEFA Nations League/ Prices for the match with Georgia, national team tickets

Tickets for the second match of the UEFA Nations League, Albania - Georgia, which will be played on September 10 at the "Air Albania" stadium, went on sale for all football fans and fans of the National Team on Tuesday evening.
The prices for this very important match of the Albanian National Team vary from 5,000 old lek in the 4th Category, to 1,000 new lek in the 3rd Category, 2,500 new lek in the second Category and 4,000 new lek in the 1st category. So, in the "Premium" sector, tickets for this match will be sold for 8,000 new alleks, in the "VIP" sector, tickets will cost 20,000 new alleks, while in the "VIP Premium" sector, tickets will cost 25,000 new alleks.
The AFL would like to inform all football fans and fans who will buy tickets for this match that each ticket is equipped with a unique QR code and can be entered into the stadium only once. Tickets will be officially distributed only by the T-Ticket company. All those interested can buy their ticket only at this link "ebileta.al".
The match Albania - Georgia will be played on September 10 at the "Air Albania" stadium at 20:45.
The procedure of how to buy a ticket online:
First you need to register on the platform using an e-mail address.
Next, select the stadium stand and then select the seat.
After you have selected the seats, you must fill in the data for the tickets (last name, first name, e-mail) in the dialogue table.
At the end, proceed with the payment, filling in your card details.
Once the payment is confirmed, you can download the tickets from the platform or they will come to you by "email".
If it doesn't happen right away, check the spam box in your email to make sure the tickets have arrived.


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