List closed!

2025-03-06 15:16:23 / EDITORIAL NGA EDISON YPI

List closed!

A man who is a man and not a basin, not a scumbag, not a whore, not a prostitute, not a scoundrel, is not locked up in lists.

The real man, the Man with Faith, the Man with Canon, goes to war to kill or be killed. He doesn't hide behind lists, procedures, or loopholes, he doesn't dodge bullets, he faces his opponent head-on, preferably in a duel.

What is this Closed List that is so coveted and preferred by thieves, extortionists, and mafiosi?

The curiosity of the pumpkin should not be left in suspense.

The closed list looks like that mouse hole, which, looking here, looking there, when the panicking coward finally finds it, due to the numerous requests of thieves seeking shelter, the price has been raised, no less than 500 groschen.

But the Closed List also looks like a public dump, with all types and subtypes of piss, poop, and shit inside.

The closed list can also be a beautiful white toilet, where the violator of the Law sits comfortably.

Or a Pandora's Box full of wonders inside, that when opened, will leave everyone speechless.

A corpse or a mummy that has survived thousands of years without decaying, which, if touched with the tip of a needle, instantly stinks.

It's no wonder that the Closed List is like the Rubik's Cube, which Hasia, my genius mother, waiting and waiting endlessly for her son to come from Spaç, without the help of any instructions or manual, taught herself, so quickly that she managed to combine the colors in a few seconds.

But the Closed List could also be a prison van. Without doors or windows. Inside, a few thieves huddle together in the hope that they will find a way to escape Justice for the crimes they have committed, the punishments that will weigh heavily on their backs.

If you look at it carefully, the Closed List is a Trojan Horse with a belly full of thieves who come out at night to wreak havoc among people who want to live normally.

A graveyard of the unburied dead, it could be that whatever you have with it, the list is closed.

The closed list could also possibly be a steaming earthen pot, full of meat, bones, bones, and juices, which will soon be poured into the stomach of the uninitiated.

The closed list is not, as some ignorant people say, a madhouse, but a prison where a few thieves are expected to spend the rest of their lives.

A hearse with a coffin and wreaths to escort some mafiosi to the afterlife? Yes. The Closed List could be like that too.

If not, it's certainly no less than a bunker, the last refuge of cowardly scoundrels who have done something wrong and the saw has stuck to their nails.

A bag of money ready to be bribed? Most likely.

Or a bank in some tax haven where the money stolen from the poor ended up. More than possible.

A cultural monument protected by the state, with incalculable museum value for future generations to learn about today's monsters? More than certain.

What a cage of idiots being held in silence waiting to be transferred to a building that is being used as a holiday camp, but it's crazy.

The closed list could be as much a herd of rabbits that consider themselves brave as a pack of dogs that, to avoid being eaten by wolves, are guarded by shepherds with horns and horns.

It's no wonder the Closed List is also a football stadium with a few balls and some goals where some sweaty pigs in dirty jerseys without numbers play.

The closed list, where everyone asks God to enter and no one to leave, could also be a creek that ends in a river, then in the sea, where it joins with salt, and ends up on our plate.

Otherwise, the Closed List is a disgrace so filthy that no soap can wash it away, no law can catch it, no bullet can shoot it down./