Three resolutions, but the fate remains sealed

We were triumphantly shaken by three resolutions approved by the groups of right-wing parties to fill our minds, that from now on not only Sali Berisha is not isolated, but he is considered a political prisoner by the American Republican party and conservatives British, also from the European EPP that is within the German CDU, etc., etc.
But the results we see are a little different. Not only does Sali Berisha not meet any important politician, be it American or European, but no one even mentions his name, as if even his name carries some contagious leprosy.
What is the meaning of the resolutions that were voted by the bureaucrats of the American Republican party and by the bureaucrats of the EPP, when SPAK's main support is the European Union, where the EPPs are the largest political grouping in the EP and the USA, where already the Republicans have won all the powers, including the presidency. Who cares what is written in those resolutions, as long as there is no statement from the elected American president, or from the president of the EU commission? Both of these politicians come from right-wing parties, part of the IDU.
Donald Trump and Ursula Von Der Leyen are today the representatives of those forces that support SPAK. Let one of them, or their representatives, come forward and tell us that SPAK is a criminal organization that works with the Soros agenda and that Sali Berisha is a political prisoner. Then everyone should shut up once and for all. As long as this does not happen, those resolutions have no more value than the paper they are written on.
How enthusiastic the Dumbabists are with the coming to power of Donald Trump, this is understood by Berisha's own reactions. When asked if there is hope that Trump will remove his non grata, Berisha answers that Edi Rama is a criminal.
They made the childish mistake of publicly rejoicing with the return of Donald Trump, that president who sent Yuri Kim to Tirana, with the order to stay away from the person who was cut off the bill of non grata, becoming the first American ambassador who did not never met Sali Berisha. What will they say when the new ambassador, chosen by Donald Trump and voted by Congress with a Republican majority, arrives in Tirana soon? Or will they say that Soros also bought President Trump? It can. As funny as they have become, they can say anything.

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