From "where is Luli" to "where are your friends" – when satire becomes a nightmare for Rama

2025-03-25 09:08:04 / EDITORIAL NGA GENTIAN GABA

From "where is Luli" to "where are your friends" –

I am hearing different comments from journalists about the way Lulzim Basha is addressing Edi Rama's corruption with a satirical approach, mentioning his "comrades" who have been arrested due to his government's corruption.

I see that a lot of energy is being wasted on someone who has been declared to be without people, without weight, etc., etc.

What pleases me the most are those who, in these new attacks on Basha, have put their faces in recent weeks in defense of the scum, who is today in Durrës prison and in repeated attacks on SPAK. And this is enough to understand their " intellectual " honesty.

Equally entertaining are the imaginary revolutionaries, who are the reason why Rama is in power today. Those who three years ago declared that " America will not bring you to power", while today they swear by the head of the American President, even though only bitter news comes from across the ocean.

People playing " freeze-shrink " with SPAK!

Who praise him when he arrests Rama's corrupt people and consider him " SKAP " when he enters their yard.

People whose names are on a list with Ilir Meta and who are asking for the votes of citizens to get him out of prison. Politicians without character, who have been throwing themselves around for at least four years, with only one goal: their seat.

As for the story of the " diss " and conspiracy theories from those who have joined forces with Rama to attack SPAK through amnesty and close the lists, the story is much simpler.

Operating in a poisoned media environment and with a strict blockade by those who hold the keys to media, economic, and political power, Basha was forced to break away from traditional media logic and swiftly embark on a " disintermediation " approach.

So, when the media makes news of every letter that comes out of Albanian prisons, Basha, nothing was published about his political positions or program.

And the disintermediation is the turning of his social networks into media, occasionally entering the realm of “ infotainment ” – a neologism of Anglo-Saxon origin, born from the fusion of the words information and entertainment. 

So, paradoxically, those who have started debates in the studios about Basha's approach–the same studios from which they have relentlessly berated him and tried to isolate him–are the reason why he has chosen this form of communication.

Meanwhile, regarding the malicious debate that what is happening is of interest to Rama, I want to present some facts for those who are interested in reading:

Basha's first reaction from Ali Demi, which came as a result of Rama's repeated irony with the words " where is Luli ", had a huge impact on social networks. On Basha's Facebook alone, the video received over 500 thousand views, not counting the avalanche effect when it was also covered by traditional media.

So, 500 thousand Albanians saw Basha from his profile responding to Rama, saying " don't ask where I am, but where is Lali and his friends".

The day after this video, Rama tried to belittle Basha's reaction, starting with clichéd sleep attacks and the famous 7x7=42 slip.

Basha responded with the now viral joke: “ Where are your friends?” and “7x7=313”, quoting a song by Unikkatil. After that, the network did its thing and Basha’s profile received millions of views, not to mention traditional media platforms, which, unable to avoid it, were forced to cover it.

Even Rama could not remain silent, without making his own efforts to soften the weight of the satirical attack that was bringing, with laughter and indignation, to the attention of his comrades behind bars - as a symbol of the corruption of his power.

And now that this debate is not stopping, they are trying to label it with different terms on the screens, according to the interests of those who are in conflict of interest with SPAK, and who cannot mention Rama's friends in prison, because they themselves are sleepless because of SPAK.

However, this noise made on the big screens cannot prevent the confrontation on the small screens, in the pockets of everyone who has a smartphone.

They can control the television screens, they can stick the Russian ruble label, the Krusha tape, and all kinds of rackets from those that have been served up against Basha these years, but...

From the pleasure with which I see how he has decided to be free and redeemed, in the face of those who have dipped their hands into the state budget and sleep with one eye open for fear of SPAK, I understand that they cannot complex either him or the public that is following him with frankly frightening figures.

Drink the juice of your remote controls, protect the incinerators that don't exist and their builders, while there is already another path for Basha and for all of us.../

Happening now...