It is not the end of the world, but of Edi Rama

2024-12-28 18:48:49 / EDITORIAL NGA ERL KODRA
It is not the end of the world, but of Edi Rama

The May 11 elections are just around the corner. All the actors hold themselves with the hope that they will be the winners. But this time things will be different. The situation is more or less this:
Since Altin Dumani became the head of SPAK, Albanian politics has lost its calm, especially Prime Minister Edi Rama. He is more clear than anyone in Albania that the moment he is no longer Prime Minister, he will be arrested as the Chief Thief of Albania. This is for two simple reasons; in all the criminal cases that have been opened to his subordinates, Edi Rama is also found, and secondly, the evidence that is in the files of SPAK cannot be ignored, as long as based on that evidence, people very close to the Prime Minister are currently in prison . It is in all the files of Vangjush Dako, Arben Ahmetaj, Ilir Beqja and even the file of Erion Veliaj.

It is even with Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta. In other words, if each of them has their own traces in those files, Rama is found in all the evidence.

Erion Veliaj went to prison with four of the most serious charges. We all knew that he is a despicable thief, but now that SPAK made them public, journalists and media close to power are openly writing that Erion Veliaj's human rights are being violated. Of course, even a disgusting thief has his rights, but this is not the case of Veliaj. In the coming days and months, we will see unimaginable metamorphoses on how the ranks of SPAK accused will be consolidated. If you have read yet, you will most likely read the writings of Bushati and Shkullak (these are just examples) defending the human rights of Erion Veliaj. Just as they have defended Arben Ahmetaj so far.

That is why the May 11 elections have taken on an extraordinary importance. The question that arises is this; who will win in Albania, SPAK or Hajdutët?

The scenario being played is this:
If Edi Rama wins 71 mandates, Sali Berisha will surely win up to 35 mandates. The parliament that emerged from the May 11 elections will be fresh, but the numbers that will dictate the country's political life will be deputies appointed by Edi Rama and Sali Berisha. SPAK - which has almost eaten all of Edi Rama's ear - is the real threat of the occult power of 34 years. In these circumstances, there are no more scumbags, but without a shadow of a doubt they will unite the votes to undo the "Republic of Prosecutors" and the "criminal organization" SPAK. Of course, with hope and eyes on Donald Trump and Richard Grenell (who have no chance of undoing what has been achieved so far).

Some cheerleaders may say that the Democratic Party will win, but this is a serious article, so I advise them not to read my text. Therefore, the only scenario is whether Rama will make 71 MPs alone, or he will not be able to cross the magical threshold that keeps him out of prison. If Rama does not win 71 mandates, chances are that the country will enter a welcome political crisis. I say welcome, because there has never been a political crisis in Albania - except for the crisis of 1997. If there had been a political crisis, we would not have had the same politicians for 35 years.

It seems that the golden secret will be the new parties, if they will be able to erode enough votes from Edi Rama, to deprive him of the opportunity to create the government alone. This is due to the simple fact that the common enemy of Rama, Berisha and Meta is SPAK, so they can't wait to get together once again to cut it off. Edi Rama has a vital need for Sali Berisha, and Sali Berisha also has a vital need for Edi Rama. Altin Duman's cannons are sinking the fleets of both, despite the crews.

Of course, this is not the end of the world, but of Edi Rama and Sali Berisha. Our mother and father died, and we still managed. We will manage even without these two.

Happening now...



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