Internationally stamped: The opposition's problem is Berisha, he must leave!

The statement of the US the day before was another stab in the wounded body of Sali Berisha, not only from America but also from Great Britain and justice. The myth of Berisha has fallen before every Albanian. He used the power of the Democrats to enrich his family.
But the knife of the day before was also stuck by the group of newly united people, who are investing to build their careers on his political corpse.
After the US statement: "We stand by our long-standing position that we do not engage with individuals determined to be involved in major corruption", the news that some MPs had met with the US embassy was sprung from their offices. Their goal was simple: Albanians and democrats should get the message; "The problem is Berisha, he must leave."
Jorida Tabaku, Kreshnik Çollaku, Tomorr Alizoti and Helidon Bushati were some of the names of deputies that were launched quickly. All of these are MPs who recently joined Berisha, after previously being strong critics of him, accusing him of using the party for personal interests against the USA.
Part of the meeting was Oerd Bylykbashi, lined up next to Berisha from the beginning, but for reasons not at all principled: he is involved in the corruption file of "Klub Partizani" and is afraid that he may be part of the sanctions.
In order to soften this evidence even a little, the DP quickly spun the news that these MPs asked for a technical government. This quickly turned into an indictment, since all the demands seem to be nullified by the fact that they have been put at the service of Sali Berisha's interests. So, for each of their requests, there is only one answer from the US: "We do not engage with individuals determined to be involved in major corruption." This is where the accusations about Edi Rama's rampant corruption were resolved. The US is not committed to fighting Rama's corruption in the service of Berisha's corruption.
In fact, the same deputies who today complain about Rama were part of the negotiations to release the corrupt and close the lists. For their seats, they sacrificed the electoral reform and did not make it conditional on the technical government. What they handed over for a deputy seat, today they want to give in exchange to the USA. Berisha's gazbard fans know this well. The position of the USA has always been made known to them, like when they attacked Berisha at the embassy and today when they allegedly go to the same embassy to deliver his messages. Therefore, the immediate release of information about the meeting of the Gazbardi MPs with the American embassy was intended to highlight Berisha as the DP's problem.
The message for DP is clear: Without Berisha, the USA will work with her to come back to power; as he stated at the beginning of the time. With Berisha, it is self-evident that PD will never come to power. The fight of the Gazbardists is to secure a parliamentary seat from Berisha, and to start the "Berisha ik" movement after the elections, as is their promise in all international meetings.
As it has been announced, representatives of the USA in Tirana have also met with other actors of the opposition who stand in front of Sali Berisha. And precisely because it considers Berisha and his "clowns" as a rotten part of the opposition, the USA reiterates: "A healthy opposition is a critically important part of a living democracy"./ Alfapress.al

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