Abuzimet 5D-Fusha shpk/ The two companies won the tender for the construction of the road connecting the airport with the highway in Vlorës

2024-08-15 19:12:33 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

Abuzimet 5D-Fusha shpk/ The two companies won the tender for the construction of

The company "5D" under investigation for the scandal of corruption abuses of the directors of the Municipality of Tirana, seems not to have been limited to the signing of tenders by the contracting authority, the Municipality of Tirana, but has gone even further to receiving large projects.

In the SPAK file, a communication from one of the employees of the "5D" company has been recorded, which in the communications developed in February 2021 indicates a procurement procedure that "5D" won.

From the verifications, it appears that it is about the construction of the road that connects the Vlora airport with the highway of this city, a procurement procedure won by the company "5D" and "Fusha shpk", where it is suspected that it was benefited through illegal procedures.

For this procedure in its reasoning, the Appeal states that the Prosecution does not have an analysis of how this procedure was won.

In total, the prosecution has recorded 12 procurement procedures, while it is believed that the "5D" company has also 11 tenders under suspicion that may be subject to investigation by SPAK.