The media circus and the distorted public debate in Albania

From our monitoring of the media, it results
that every day, around 90-100 people are invited to television studios, politicians, analysts, experts, lawyers, officials or journalists, who competently comment on the day's developments.
In France, Germany, Britain, etc., countries that are political powers and global actors, there is specialized programming, invited experts and politicians about 10-14 times less than in the Albanian case.
The absurdity in our country reaches the point where some moderators just open the show and spend 60 minutes talking to anyone who agrees to come to the studio, calling everyone experts, analysts, etc., thus denigrating a professional quality that very, very few individuals deserve to have.
The need to fill studios and television shows forces the media to give space and share the absurd and even idiotic positions and theses of some politicians or individuals who do not show even the minimum of respect for speech, the public, the law, the Constitution, and the sense of public responsibility.
The need for re-election as a member of parliament, for office, for attention, for news, for service/privilege, has driven the media to become an appendage of rallies and propaganda, and thus, the undermining of the concept of freedom of expression, democracy, and political culture in a country that has such a fragile tradition with them.
Moderators "employed by the media" with uneducated and uninformed guests or, moreover, delegated there by the entity in question, i.e. to perform a service in kind or for a fee, in conflict of interest and outside the ethical standards of the public, create an increasingly pessimistic, discouraging and demotivating environment for knowledge, meritocracy, logic and integrity.
Only in such societies, based on anti-value and profit at all costs, service to the powers that be and the dominance of party militancy, can such individuals have public access and remain a point of reference and the media, including national ones, take hostage public access, the right to information and invest against the mission of the media in a democratic society.
The five paradoxes - the fact that 80%-90% of the media in Albania is a construction business and the same percentage of people in the media are neither journalists nor experts in the field, the same percentage of the media produces more propaganda than information, the same percentage of those who call themselves politicians do not even meet the formal standard of politics and that the source/product of these factors constitutes in the same percentage the main source of information for citizens - shows the critical level where we are as a society and a state, the great investment being made against democratic formation and the great gap between what we are, what we declare that we are and the need for what we should be as a society and a state.
Of all the reforms, the one for the quality of political representation and for the media remains essential - the minimum to have "representation", "politics" and "media", three misused, deformed, abused and still missing concepts in Albania.

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