Why Berisha's simultaneous attacks on Basha and Duman reflect his fear of what awaits him!

Sali Berisha has launched a new wave of attacks against Lulzim Basha and Altin Dumani, simultaneously.
The first is the politician who gave Berisha the biggest challenge of his existence, when he suspended him from the DP parliamentary group and later expelled him from the party, after his declaration non grata by the USA. In theory, Berisha's fight against Basha should have ended on June 11, when the Court of Appeals gave him the seal with a decision that violated what the Supreme Court had requested for the case, that is, a substantive review of the file.
The Court of Appeal's behavior was a product of the pact reached between Rama and Berisha months ago, when they came together to amnesty those convicted of corruption and to close the lists, following the agreement started in April 2008. After decision on the seal, Berisha should have breathed a sigh of relief, because with Rama by his side, he managed to stay in the game, but that is not the case.
Despite the fact that he has everything, he continues to fiercely attack Basha as his stance against Berisha and Rama poses a danger to the plans of the former prime minister, who seeks to create the political and procedural bed, to leave the party to the people of him or his biological family members.
Challenging Basha, with structures throughout Albania and ready to enter the elections with a formula like the one Berisha himself used when he didn't have the stamp; Basha with international contacts that are intensifying because of Berisha's attempt to show himself as legitimate; Basha with a clear rhetoric against the recycling of Berisha, paralleled with his return to PD with the kidnapping of the Partizani complex, breaks Berisha's plan for the future.
So the attacks on the head of the Euro-Atlantic Democrats are an indication of the fear of Sali Berisha, who knows better than the soldiers who surround him, what awaits him in the following months.
Attentive followers of politics have noticed the face of Berisha, who is now under the seal and at liberty, is as black as when he was on the eighth floor. This happens, because he understands that the deception that he has spread with his release and with the victory of Trump, are momentary lies, which will be answered very soon.
While the crack that his revanchist movement in PD is much deeper and cannot be filled with the purchase in the bazaar of some deputies, who only represent their name. Berisha knows equally well that the advancement of accusations by SPAK is not something that can be filed away with stale tricks, but rather stubborn facts that he will face in court, exposing the narrative of the politically persecuted, the money which have been discovered in different capitals of Europe.
Berisha also knows that the agreements he made with Rama to keep himself at the head of the opposition and Rama in power, have destroyed his public image among the democrats, as much as they have damaged the image of Rama among the socialists, who have already realized that the lifelong "enemy" of the socialists was kept alive by their president himself through occult agreements.
The approach of the elections makes Berisha unable to avoid Basha, so he is attacking him, because he could not destroy him during these three years, and unlike the others, Basha has not given up the direct battle. Basha has not only taken the decision on the seal to the Supreme Court for recourse, but has declared that he will follow it all the way to Strasbourg if necessary, and with such determination he has challenged Berisha in the next elections, where unlike the one who closed lists in cooperation with Rama, Basha has announced that he will run with open lists.
Berisha is afraid of the contrast that Basha causes him, the old against the young, sanctioned by the USA against the universally accepted in the West, the defendant who attacks SPAK against the person who supports him, the politician who has placed his personal interest above that public against the politician who sacrificed himself to protect the PD. This big difference between the two is the reason why Berisha is still afraid of Basha, like two people who speak to two different eras, one of the past and the other of the future.
Likewise, the harsh attacks on Altin Duman are indicative of the fear of what awaits Berisha in the coming months. His rhetoric has become even harsher, as he has begun to attack the head of SPAK in a family way. A well-thought-out criminal act through which he tries to blackmail justice, which resembles more the style of the mafia than that of a politician.
Berisha's fear of justice and the unacceptable attacks on Duman have turned him into an individual who is even more isolated internationally, even more marginalized by the electorate, which in every poll, between old and corrupt politicians and SPAK, supports SPAK plebiscite.
This behavior on the part of Berisha is political suicide, which would not make sense without taking into account how, accused and awaiting new charges, which are expected to be filed, he does not care about the electorate, nor the elections, but of his confrontation with justice.
Therefore, Basha and Dumani are today united in the eye of Berisha's cyclone. They are his immediate threats, while Rama remains his only ally in facing both of them./ Alfapress.al

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