SPAK's 'Tak-Tak-u' at the door of Erjon Veliaj!


SPAK's 'Tak-Tak-u' at the door of Erjon Veliaj!

As expected, SPAK knocked on Erjon Veliaj's door. 

Accused of the incinerator of Tirana and the corrupt scheme of 5D, the politician who administers the second largest budget in the country, after the government, must answer before justice.
Earlier, the Special Prosecutor's Office registered a property investigation against him, as it has done in other cases, according to the "follow the money" principle.
It is clear that the detractors of SPAK and those who spin the version of staged investigations in the media will relativize this issue, presenting it as an internal clash between SP clans or as a 'betrayal' of Edi Rama for save yourself.
There is always a part that believes this variant as long as it is "enthusiastic" about conspiracy theories, explaining everything behind the ready-made schemes of these theories, but what is happening in reality can only be believed by those who knock the BKH investigators and SPAK prosecutors at the door.
Veliaj's family members may not have opened the door to them, but this is no longer a matter of desire. It is a reality that must be faced.
Unfortunately, neither Berisha's and Meta's attacks on the Special Prosecutor's Office, nor the placement of his loyalist Fatmir Xhafaj at the head of the ANTI-SPAK Commission can save Veliaj.
It's too late.
In SP, glasses can be clinked for today's 'victory', just as Veliaj may have done once when Saimir Tahiri was hit.
But let them not forget: Veliaj is not the last to fall into SPAK's net, so "don't be happy or happy and don't be sad or bitter".

Happening now...



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