Election of the leader of SPAK by the people: The necessary step for the true independence of justice


Election of the leader of SPAK by the people: The necessary step for the true

In addition to the majority that, through the "Xhafa" Commission, seeks to bring justice under control, and a part of the opposition, which anathematizes and lynches the Special Prosecutor's Office, because its leaders are being investigated for corruption, the censorship that was done to it by the media The interview of the head of SPAK, Altin Dumani, shows that, if you are free from political influence and media clientelism, you deserve to lead the prosecution.

It is the same media that does not leave corrupt politicians without showing them on the screen before their arrest and facing justice, or in other cases that does not reflect the progress reports of the European Union that talk about the only institution, which is SPAK, the work of who is not only congratulated and singled out, but is the only one because of whom Albania receives congratulations.

With a significant number of investigations carried out at high levels of administration and politics, SPAK has managed to become an independent authority that can withstand political pressures and influences.

Beyond the hustle and bustle of the day and the attempt to control justice and other institutions that should be independent, such as KLSH or ILDKPI, I think the time has come for the leader of SPAK to be elected directly by the people. There are 43 states in the USA, which elect their prosecutors through the vote of the citizens, so that politics can keep their 'hands' out.

The election of leaders of independent institutions by the people is a step that has the opportunity to strengthen democracy and transparency in Albania. Also, this process can create a closer connection between citizens and justice institutions, giving people the opportunity to directly influence the way these institutions are administered and how the law is applied.

Furthermore, this step would send a strong message that Albania is ready to take further steps forward in the direction of integration into the European Union. An independent justice system, where the leaders of independent institutions are elected by the people, is a standard that complies with the values ​​and best practices of the European Union and would help Albania become a full democratic state, freeing from the stalemate of a 34-year-old policy that only drags him along for personal interests.

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