Teodor Keko's words about Albania and Berisha's anti-SPAK bunker!

2025-03-13 18:03:40 / IDE NGA ERMAL PEçI

Teodor Keko's words about Albania and Berisha's anti-SPAK bunker!

One of the most famous Western thinkers said that to understand the level of democracy of a country, it is enough to look at the opposition of a country. This is the reflection of a reality that has been distorted in the Albanian opposition since Rama entered the Court of Appeals to stamp the DP's seal on Sali Berisha and his political entourage.

The Democratic Party that we are talking about today is divided into two groups, a group led by Mr. Basha who has remained coherent towards political principles and acts, and a group led by Mr. Berisha who is actually known for the strong political bargains he has made with Rama, such as with the Electoral Reform or even the unification of votes for Criminal Amnesty.

Oligarchs with connections to the government, media propaganda, receiving the seal of approval in the Appeal and a series of factors, caused a part of the DP parliamentary group, which in the media was glorified as Bardhi's group, to unite with Berisha and a part of them to use language against SPAK. Day after day, this group not only united with the pulpit but also began to dance with Berisha's songs to get as close as possible to the heart of the spiritual leader. Despite the dance, despite the primaries, despite the endless laps under the balcony, Berisha did not forget for a moment their accusations and the fact why they approached him, which was the real purpose. Yesterday, as a "Political Avenger", he cut off the heads of the voices against but also left part of the dancers on the open list, replacing them with the old guard of his loyalists.

In the safe lists of the DP, Berisha not only paved the way for the Meta group and allied parties but chose to place those who have the harshest rhetoric against SPAK and the justice institutions. A political group that has declared SPAK & Dumani "Public Enemy" when 80% of Albanians support this institution. A political group that instead of having an opponent Edi Rama, has an opponent SPAK.

A political group, which has entered a political bunker and creates media fables that today or tomorrow Berisha's non-grata will be removed and anyone else who thinks differently from them will be lynched with hate speech, blackmail, slander and threats. A mechanism accumulated in a political bunker, which not only does not produce morale but will also stifle the hope that Albanians have for change in the SPAK institution.

In this panorama of hate speech and blackmail directed by Berisha and his entourage, I am reminded of the words of the late, former DP MP Teodor Keko, who said; "I want to remind you that a ruined nation like ours is not saved inspired by hatred.
It is saved primarily by love, reason and humanity."

Love, reason and humanity, which seems to be absent from Albanian political leaders, who have fossilized and lost every human element.
It is up to Mr. Basha and the group of new parties to provide a different alternative to policymaking in Albania.


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