The code of silence and how to hide a crime...
From the beginning, it is important that no one has seen and that whoever was an eyewitness should be afraid and not speak
For the motive to be weak, a woman must be invented as the "apple of trouble", or the perpetrator and victim must be drunk, or the killer and victim scratch cars.
In Pogradec, with the murderer Denis Mece and the murdered Eglanti Proga, the file is so "innocent" that it convinces all the people of justice - alcohol and a "slap" are to blame.
But before that - once again at a crime scene, the security cameras had to be down. Even so non-functional that "dvr at the moment of visual review does not return film footage and is stuck in 1972".
Once again, the witnesses saw nothing. Once again the ambulance arrived late. The police were notified at 19:00. The witness saw the deceased on the ground at 18:45.
Once again, as in dozens of other crimes where the footage is hidden, the witnesses are afraid and the scene is destroyed, a local copy paste should be repeated for the murder of Eglantin Proga, 42 years old.
A deja vu crime.
Meanwhile, in Pogradec, a customer who was drinking beer noticed the conflict, but when the victim's cousin begged him for help, he did not move. It is explicitly stated in the file that "he refused to help him".
Maybe he was enjoying more beer, who else should he be afraid of?
Or did he choose to mind his own business so as not to be disturbed? Or the code of silence has penetrated us everywhere and massively as a society we have copied its essence "I didn't hear anything. I didn't see anything. I wasn't there. But even if I was, I was asleep". ?
So, in small Pogradec, where the citizens know each other, suddenly clients, friends and acquaintances who frequent the same neighborhood, do not recognize him and do not know who it was who attacked the victim. Because they knew him as a face and not as a name. An officer writes their answers in the most naive form possible.
There is no doubt. The intersection of data and evidence is nowhere.
But while the fascicle details how many beers were drunk and how many jokes were made, no one saw how, why, the 42-year-old was hit.
Including the deceased's cousin who was only 30 meters away. On the other hand, the police show how they searched for the author, then called him, but the subscriber was unavailable.
Think of a small town like Pogradec, or anywhere else where it is claimed that a criminal is found not by calling him, but with information based on closed and open sources, techniques and collaborators or intelligence research with civil and crime agents.
The author's phone was switched off and so during the following hours, as the first version is given, that of an accidental death, the author appears at the doors of the police station.
Në një skenë të mëparshme krimi, të zbuluar në "SKY Ecc", një shef policie mëson lidhjet e vrasësit se si ai duhet të dëshmonte në gjykatë se “ kishte qëlluar mbas një sherri banal”. Aq më tepër që edhe djali i të vrarit nuk do fliste – shkruan më tej eksperti për kriminelët.
Dhe kështu disa orë më vonë, Denis Mece shfaqet në polici. Ai flet, një polic, kokëulur shkruan. Ai ia vë fajin alkoolit , tregon se ai kishte fjetur mbas ngjarjes dhe ndaj nuk e kishin gjetur dot.
Por le të jemi naivë edhe ne dhe të mos mendojmë se njëri prej dy palëve nuk thotë të vërtetën.
Normalisht mbas leximit të dosjes, dyshimi i parë që vjen është ky; ose policia lokale ka nxjerrë shëtitje dy copë postblloqe dhe ka pritur derisa autori të dorëzohet dhe alibitë të jenë gjetur, dëshmitarët të kenë ngritur supet, pulsi të jetë matur,që motivi të quhet "i dobët".
Ose Denis Mece gënjen. Por në letra është fiksuar dëshmia e tij , që na i shfaq të alkoolizuar , që u trondit, që iku nga vendngjarja , fiku telefonin dhe fjeti në makinë. “ Unë kam dashur ti fus një shpullë – thotë ai. Por sa i jam afruar kam ngritur dorën, ai është rrëzuar në tokë dhe nuk u ngrit më. Mua nuk më është besuar hic. Rrugës për në fshatin Bucimas, kam ndaluar makinën dhe kam fjetur pasi isha i dehur“.
Duke ndjekur këtë rrëfin , kur autori u zgjua kujton mirë se telefonoi avokatin “ pasi kisha merak” thekson. Avokati i tregoi se i riu kishte ndërruar jetë. Dhe ai i lutet mbrojtësit ta marrë e ta cojë në komisariat.
Ora 19. 00 policia njoftohet se përballë barit “ Stropcka” është një shtetas i shtrirë pa ndjenja. Viktima raportohet me identitetin Eglantin Proga.
Policia nuk gjen asgjë të dyshimtë. Pak më tej në një lokal të kontrolluar përshkruhet si provë gjetja e duhanit të dredhur.
Përse? Sepse më vonë një dëshmitar do thotë se si vrasësi i kërkoi viktimës ti dredhë një duhan.
Policia referon dëshmitarin numër 1 që deklaron se “ viktima porositi një birrë “. E cuditshme se si dikush pra Eglantin Proga që administronte 50 metra më larg lokalin e tij, porosit për të pirë në lokalin e dikujt tjetër.
Dëshmitari nuk ëshë i sigurtë se cfarë ndodhi më pas. Por mban mend se pak më vonë dëgjoi disa persona që kanë folur me zë të lartë dhe kërkonin ujë.
“Unë jam hutuar në atë moment dhe kur kam dalë jashtë nuk kam nxjerë as ujë por një nga rruga ka sjellë një bidon”.
Dëshmitari nuk mban mend se cfarë bëri mbasi porositi birrat ,i ndjeri . Mban mend që e pa atë të shtrirë në trotuar.
Dëshmitari numër 2 thotë se "Eglantini u qëllua rreth orës 18.45 nga një person tjetër". Sipas kësaj dëshmie, rezulton se policia është njoftuar 15 minuta me vonesë. Cfarë ndodhi gjatë atyre minutave? Dëshmitarët tregojnë se si autori i tronditur u ul nga njëra tavolinë në tjetrën dhe më pas u largua se duhet të vinte në vendngjarje policia.
Witness 2 is also a relative of the deceased. He says "I looked for help around for someone who could take my cousin in the car and take him to the hospital for medical help, but after 10 minutes the ambulance came and transported him to the Pogradec hospital, where I rode in the ambulance as well. Again, in the ambulance, my cousin, citizen Eglantin Proga, was not reacting at all".
Although he had seen the person who hit his cousin, he could not identify the aggressor. Because he says "I wasn't interested in this conflict because I was far away and I didn't know who it was about, because if I had known I would have gone immediately from the beginning and I didn't hear any shouting or cursing."
He cannot say in which direction the author left.
Witness 3, says that Denis (the author) asked the victim to smoke a cigarette. Until this moment there were no problems. The deceased accepted without a problem. But then the next witness did not see anything. "I didn't see who hit Egli because I wasn't paying attention at that moment, I was also in a drunken state, I only saw that moment when that woman screamed to bring water and call the ambulance as well as when I left the table, I saw that the owner of the bar was throwing water on Egli, who was lying behind my car, which was parked on the street in front of the table where I was sitting drinking."
Another one, though, remembers how he was asked, how he shook his cigarette, how he laughed, said "oh cousin, cousin", then neither humor nor strong conversations, because he too had consumed three or four beers and did not remember.
"At one point I saw the police come there, we were sitting, at least I didn't get up at all to see what happened. Then the ambulance came and I saw that it took a person. Then I ran home and later a police officer came to my house and took me," says the respondent.
He also knew the author Denis Mece by face, but not by name.
Where does Edi Rama's courage come from that continues to humiliate Albanians?!
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