The President as guarantor of the state of Kosovo
Beyond the Constitutional determination as the institution that guarantees unity, the Presidency of Kosovo is the state and political institution that can effectively influence the change of the current difficult position of the Republic of Kosovo in relation to international partners and allies, especially the USA.
The political vision and institutional accountability of the President of the Republic of Kosovo, far from demogagogy and populism, calls for an all-inclusive political action of all political actors in Kosovo regardless of the current Parliamentary configuration. At the same time, the President's vision remains the guarantee of a different, effective and, above all, deeply consultative foreign policy with Kosovo's allies.
The Presidency of Kosovo remains the only institution in today's state hierarchy of Kosovo that can be a positive inhibitor of any senseless tendency of the parliamentary majorities that lose their political reason and "wake up" all the sovereignist rhetoric, such as originates from the political formation and tendency the former of such. Mrs. President has an institutional authority that stems from the Constitution, the same has a political authority that stems from the fact of being the most voted person in Kosovo in the last elections, at the same time she is a figure that has moral authority because she conveys credibility to everyone from international allies in the framework of drafting and political stability in the implementation of agreements.
Presidenca përmes autoritetit të Presidentes, i miratuar me një konsensus të gjerë Parlamentar, është institucioni që duhet të ketë primatin në proçesin e dialogut Kosovë-Serbi me garancën dhe lehtësimin ndërkombëtar. Kjo është një kohë e vështirë politike për faktorin politik Shqiptar , një periudhë aspak e lehtë për Kosovën në rrafshin ndërkombëtar, një moment ku reflektimi qytetar dhe politik prevalojnë mbi secilën marrëveshje politike në planin e brendshëm. Në aspektin qytetar, qytetarët dhe votuesit në tërësinë e hapësirës territoriale dhe politike Shqiptare duhet të refuzojnë dhe të largojnë përmes votës secilin politikan të këtyre anëve që cënon marrëdhëniet me aleatët Perëndimorë në secilin dimension, të tillë politik, institucional dhe kombëtar, gjithashtu.
The President of the Republic of Kosovo has the historical mission of institutional preservation of the Republic in a healthy context of foreign relations, a role that stems from her institutional responsibility, such responsibility protected by her human, intellectual and above all the same a worthy representative of the Neo-Rugovian spirit in the direction of the State.
Argita Malltezi Berisha, "the girl of the FAMILY"
Desperate letter to the US Embassy: Help!
Ramën dhe Berishën i bashkon (edhe) lufta kundër Bashës!
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