Find out why the month of February has 28 days, while 1 time in 4 years has 29 days

In his latest episode of ' It's okay to be smart ', Joe Hanson explained why February has 28 days (1 time in four years 29 days)
Hanson has explained this fact, through the history of the Roman calendar which was made according to prejudice, politics and a touch of astronomy.
According to him, all months in the calendar have 30 or 31 days, but February lost its days due to the ego of the Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus.
During the period of his predecessor, Julius Caesar, February had 30 days, while the month of July named after the emperor (July) had 31. But, the problem was the month of August (August) that in that period had only 29 days .
So, when Augustus became emperor he added two more days to his "months ", August, in order to make it equal to July. And it was the month of February that lost the battle in this "confrontation" between the emperors.


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