Dangerous mosquitoes that are causing disease, PHI: Take care of hygiene

Albania has not escaped even in this summer season the increased circulation of mosquitoes, which are easily found in both urban and coastal areas.
Based on the entomological study that the Institute of Public Health conducted at the beginning of this summer season in order to take measures for disinsection in our country, 4 types of vectors have been identified, two of which are considered dangerous vectors due to the transmission of viruses that cause complications serious in health.
The following types of mosquitoes circulate in Albania:
Currently, two main species circulate in urban areas, the common Culex mosquito, which is a vector of West Nile fever, and the Aedes tiger mosquito, which is capable of transmitting Chikungunya, Zika and Dengue fever.
While in coastal areas, the main species present in this period are variants of Aedes and Culex mosquitoes which are annoying with their bites in the evening and at night. And what are the diseases they cause?
The Aedes mosquito is responsible for the transmission of Zika and Dengue fever viruses.
The Anopheles mosquito causes the disease Malaria
The Culex mosquito, distinguished by the white segments on its legs, which causes West Nile fever, currently present in Cyprus
The Culiseta mosquito causes neuroinvasive diseases, such as encephalitis, etc.
Public health experts have calculated that the surfaces that needed disinsection during this summer season are 5,340 ha of habitats with lagoons, canals and urban areas as well as 500 thousand square meters of wells and basements.
ISHP experts say that the intensive circulation of mosquitoes is a result of foci created artificially by humans (which include buckets of water, barrels, forgotten toys in the yard, beach pools, plates of flower pots, used tires cars, decorative flowers, wells). Mosquito control is expected to be carried out until October with a frequency of three weeks depending on the climatic conditions and the problems that may appear from mosquitoes.

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