Edi Rama attacks justice (even) when he 'supports' it!


Edi Rama attacks justice (even) when he 'supports' it!

Edi Rama has stated again that without the will of the SP, the USA and the EU would not have done the Justice Reform.

In fact, in the conditions where the government is today, with many open cases, some finalized, some under investigation and others that are expected to be investigated, this statement is a strong clenching of the jaws. In fact, for this case, our people have an expression that says that when the Kadi puts his 'hand' on you, you have no one to complain to.

And since you have no one to cry to, then you 'support' justice to delegitimize it and to give justice to those who accuse SPAK and GJKKO of being under the leadership of Edi Rama and the SP .

The fact that Rama and the SP have had the will for the Justice Reform has been seen in the sticks between the wheels that they have inserted and are going to insert these days, through the so-called Anticorruption Commission, by reducing the financial support by 1 million euros or by shouting at the meetings of the SP against the "Republic of Prosecutors" who are judging our comrades unjustly. Just as it seemed when Rama declared that we have nothing to do, because America and the EU ask us to, or when he forced the US ambassador, Yuri Kim, to throw away her diplomat's suit and do it at the KLP meeting for not to allow the government's favorite to be elected at the head of SPAK.

But even Rama, just like Veliaj who once called SPAK prosecutors 'colleagues' and who today vents up and down that 'this is how it is when a villager from Shupenza e Dibra is put in charge to administer justice', will not far be the day when the clenching of the jaws will no longer hold them, and the mouth will utter what the brain really thinks.


Happening now...



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