Albanians are using more medications

2025-03-03 19:04:30 / EKONOMI&SOCIALE ALFA PRESS

Albanians are using more medications

The aging of the population and the increase in morbidity in the population are also accompanied by an increase in medications and their use by citizens.

According to pharmacists, it is a group of diseases that are experiencing an increase in the population and have high demand from citizens for purchasing medications.

"Drugs that treat hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, while over-the-counter drugs include anti-inflammatories, analgesics, antipyretics, pain relievers, fever reducers, and anti-influenza and cough suppressants. Demand for medications is increasing year by year,"  said Gerian Sulmina, pharmacist.

Last year alone, 6,200 tons of pharmaceutical products were imported into our country.

The year 2024 also marked the highest value since 2018 of medicines and medical equipment imported into Albania at nearly 25 billion Lekë, exceeding even the figures of the years of the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to official data from INSTAT, circulatory diseases, heart diseases and tumors are the leading cause of death in Albania.

Experts link the increase in morbidity in the population to alcohol and tobacco use, malnutrition, and lack of physical activity./ tvklan